Samantha Jenkins - Boomer insight - Part 2

Articles for author: Samantha Jenkins

How to Irritate a Baby Boomer in 18 Easy Steps

From technology to culture, Baby Boomers have seen immense changes in society, While they’ve adapted to many of these changes, certain things can still get under their skin. Never before have we seen such drastic changes between close-knit generations, so how about we give them the benefit of the doubt for their patience? In the ...

18 Troubling Trends in Society Challenging Our Moral Compass

Society is constantly evolving, and with each change, we find ourselves questioning the implications and ethics behind these new transformations. We’ve seen some pretty extreme shifts in the last five years alone, so keeping a check on our moral compass has seemed even more overwhelming. Freedom of speech, inclusivity, and female empowerment are important to ...

18 Times Boomers Complained and We Had to Agree

Younger generations often criticize the backward thinking of their Baby Boomer elders, and in some ways, they have good reason to. Gen Zs and Millennials have moved society forward in groundbreaking ways that the generations preceding them failed to accomplish. Sometimes, the Boomers do get it right, however, and while it’s easy to criticize their ...

18 Ways Parents Are Raising Kids to Be Failed Adults

Parenting is a tough gig, and no one is perfect. Every parent wants the best for their children, but some well-intentioned actions can have negative consequences. By avoiding these common pitfalls and nurturing resilience, responsibility, and emotional intelligence, parents can help their children grow into successful, well-rounded adults. It sounds so easy. Doing Everything for ...

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