18 Ways Parents are Raising Failed Adults - Boomer insight

Samantha Jenkins

18 Ways Parents are Raising Failed Adults

Parenting is a tough gig, and no one is perfect. Every parent wants the best for their children, but some well-intentioned actions can have negative consequences. By avoiding these common pitfalls and nurturing resilience, responsibility, and emotional intelligence, parents can help their children grow into successful, well-rounded adults. It sounds so easy.

Doing Everything for Them

Editorial credit: Nicoleta Ionescu / Shutterstock.

Parents are always keen to make life easier for their kids, but doing too much for them can prevent them from learning essential life skills. Children need to practice independence to become self-sufficient adults. Encouraging them to complete a few tasks helps them build confidence and competence.

Overprotecting Them

Editorial credit: ANURAK PONGPATIMET / Shutterstock.

Experiencing and overcoming challenges is crucial for developing resilience. It’s all part of learning the world’s ways and figuring out how to navigate them. Shielding kids from every potential harm or failure can hinder their ability to handle the ups and downs of adult life.

Not Setting Boundaries

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

If a parent fails to set boundaries, they’re likely to raise kids with poor self-discipline and a lack of respect for others. Boundaries are important in life; they help children understand limits and consequences which are part of adult life.

Spoiling Them

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Kids deserve to be spoilt once in a while and it’s any parent’s right to choose how often they do so. The issue is when it’s constant. Giving into a child’s demands leads to a sense of entitlement and a lack of appreciation for hard work. There needs to be a healthy balance. No one wants a diva in the making.

Avoiding Difficult Conversations

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Steering clear of topics like money, relationships, and failure can leave kids unprepared for real-life issues. It is necessary at times to protect them from difficult situations, but there needs to be an element of ensuring they’re informed about real-life issues that can arise.

Not Encouraging Effort

Editorial credit: Suzanne Tucker / Shutterstock.

Every parent is guilty of overly praising their kids for their natural abilities. However, it is still important to advise them that some things will take more effort than others and they should work hard to overcome challenges. To do so leads to a fear of failure and avoidance of challenges.


Editorial credit: P Stock / Shutterstock.

It’s never a good thing to micromanage every aspect of a child’s life. It puts them under pressure and can stifle their decision-making abilities. They need to learn to make their own choices and learn from their mistakes. It’s crucial for confidence building.

Ignoring Emotional Intelligence

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

While encouraging a child to work hard at school is important, there’s more to life than academic and extracurricular success. Failing to address their emotional development can vastly hinder interpersonal skills and make social interactions harder as they grow into adults.

Diminishing Their Feelings

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

All kids need to know that they can express their feelings openly and candidly and should be actively encouraged to do so. Dismissing or trivializing a child’s emotions can lead to poor emotional health and a lack of self-expression.

Setting Bad Examples

Editorial credit: Troyan / Shutterstock.

Children learn by observing their parents, and inconsistent or negative behavior from parents can set a poor example. Parents are only human; they can’t be perfect 24/7. It’s just important to let them know that honesty, kindness, and responsibility are important traits to have.

Not Encouraging Responsibility

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When children reach a certain age, they must be given a certain amount of responsibility to prepare them for adult life. Encouraging them to tidy their bedrooms or pick up their toys ensures that laziness and lack of accountability are avoided.

Overemphasizing Achievement

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Parents who pressure their children into excelling in every area of life can lead to anxiety, burnout, and a fear of failure. It’s all about a balanced approach to success, where effort and enjoyment are valued. That will help them develop a healthy, less pressured relationship with achievement.

Not Being Consistent

Editorial credit: Stokkete / Shutterstock.

It’s hard to know how to strike a balance with parenting, but inconsistent rules and expectations can create confusion and instability for children. A stable environment where children can predict certain outcomes promotes security and trust which is vital for healthy nurturing.

Solving All Their Problems

Editorial credit: Tatevosian Yana / Shutterstock.

It’s tempting to want to pick your kids up before they fall, but always stepping in to fix issues deprives children of the opportunity to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They can’t always turn to you when they’re adults so they must possess the life skills to handle problems on their own.

Avoiding Money Matters

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Children of a certain age need to understand the value of money and the associated problems that can come with poor money management. Avoiding discussions about budgeting, saving, and spending can leave children financially illiterate. Encouraging them to do a few chores for pocket money is a great way of showing them the value of hard work and effort.

Ignoring the Importance of Play

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

All kids need to play, and that stretches to teenagers who need valuable time out from work or study.  Overloading children with structured activities and neglecting free playtime can stifle creativity and stress relief. They can easily become overly pressured adults who feel undeserving of recreation time.

Overindulging Negative Behaviors

Editorial credit: Anna Kraynova / Shutterstock.

Children will often act out if they’re given the platform to do so, and not addressing tantrums, disrespect, or other negative behaviors can reinforce them. It’s vital to set clear consequences and address negative behaviors, ensuring that positive and negative reinforcement are executed when necessary.

Forgetting to Listen

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Failing to listen to children’s thoughts and opinions can make them feel undervalued and unheard. It can also encourage them to store their emotions and develop poor communication skills. Active listening shows children that their views matter. Their self-esteem with thank you for it.

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