Wellbeing | Boomer insight - Part 4

Articles for category: Wellbeing

25 Boomer Behaviors Millennials Find Unbearable

Sometimes, it’s the little things that can create the biggest divides between generations. There’s probably no bigger divide than that between millennials and the baby boomer generation, and it’s getting worse. Here are 25 habits of people 50+ that millennials can’t stand. We’re not judging anyone for these, and if you do any of them, … Read more

21 Popular Phrases That Make No Sense in the South

Southern charm is renowned for its warmth, hospitality, and unique accent, which can baffle even the most seasoned traveler. However, certain phrases from other parts of the United States also leave Southerners scratching their heads. Here’s a guide to some of the most perplexing expressions Southerners don’t understand. “Ride Shotgun” This phrase means to sit … Read more

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