Wellbeing | Boomer insight - Part 23

Articles for category: Wellbeing

18 Modern Taboos That Were Once Acceptable

It’s only natural that habits and behaviors change over the centuries. But sometimes parents or grandparents used to do things which their children may think is weird or incomprehensible today.  Here are 18 modern taboos that were completely normal back in the day.   Unannounced visits Since we are overreliant on our phones and they’re our … Read more

20 Ridiculous American Laws and Customs That Make No Sense

America is known for its cultural diversity and unique legal landscape. This also includes some peculiar laws and customs, which might seem normal to locals but will surprise visitors from other countries when they learn about them. Legalizing Recreational Marijuana While many countries have strict laws against marijuana, several US states have legalized its recreational … Read more

How to Save $20,000 a Year by Cutting These 24 Expenses

Cutting down on unnecessary expenses can significantly boost your savings, something we all need right now. Here’s a comprehensive guide to trimming your budget that could save you over $20,000 annually without drastically changing your lifestyle. Eating Out Eating out can be tempting, especially after a long day at work and empty cupboards, but cooking at … Read more

18 States Where Residents Are Leaving Faster Than Ever

Many Americans have decided to pack up and move to other states. What’s driving this mass migration? There are numerous reasons behind it, ranging from high living costs to economic instability, unfavorable climates, and better opportunities elsewhere. New Jersey This information comes from the World Population Review. New Jersey’s at the top of the list, … Read more

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