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Articles for category: Research, Wellbeing

8 Reasons Why Emotions and Customer Loyalty Go Hand in Hand

Emotions affect every part of our lives. From our friendships to what we eat and what we buy, everything is affected by emotions – whether we realize them or not. If you want to be serious about marketing, you have to understand how to evoke emotions in your audience that encourages customer loyalty as well as purchasing. In fact, emotions are often more important than other factors when consumers make decisions.

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4 Simple Senior Online Business Opportunities To Try

Are you worried about your finances in retirement? Are there any simple senior online business opportunities you might ask yourself?  You could start a business from the comfort of your home. There are plenty of opportunities for retirees to make an extra buck online. Your experience and skills make you more likely to succeed in … Read more

7 Great Ways to Cut Costs in Your Online Marketing Business

There’s a common misconception that one can make money online for free. This is possible but very difficult to pull off. Things cost money and you must cut costs in your online marketing business. In order to have control over your online business, you’ll need your own domain, hosting, autoresponder and so on. Leveraging other … Read more

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