Are you worried about your finances in retirement? Are there any simple senior online business opportunities you might ask yourself? You could start a business from the comfort of your home. There are plenty of opportunities for retirees to make an extra buck online.
Your experience and skills make you more likely to succeed in business. It becomes much easier if you pick a business that aligns well with your expertise and skills. Besides the additional income, starting a business keeps your mind active and opens up opportunities to form new relationships. What are some of the top simple senior online business opportunities to try?
1 – Selling Hand Crafts Is One of the Simple Senior Online Business Opportunities
Are you good with your hands? You can make good money making crafts at home and selling them online. You don’t have to be a top artist or sculptor to make unique items. You can learn the skills of your new hobby online. You can also join craft groups on social media and meet people who will be happy to share tips with you.
You can also sell items you have collected in a lifetime, including sports items, military memorabilia, weapons and even items like flag cases. Genuine vintage items sell for good money if they are verifiable as genuine. You can set an online store to show off your items and make it easier to reach a wider market. It would also make you more involved in making videos and writing a blog on your collectables.
2 – Consultation Is Another of the Simple Senior Online Business Opportunities
Do you have a special set of skills that are in demand? Setting up a home-based consultancy enables you to profit from skills you have gained in a lifetime. For example, if you were an investment banker, you can help people who are trying to set up their investment portfolios.
You only need space to set up a desk, and you can start taking clients on video conferencing apps like Zoom. The connections you made in your career will become very handy in getting clients. You are free to take the jobs you want because you are your own boss.
3 – Try Being a Nutritional Coach
There is a ready group of customers looking for nutrition advice. You can start with people in your circle who are looking for custom nutrition plans. For example, people live with conditions such as diabetes. There are also people trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
You can make your nutritional coaching more valuable by supplementing your nutritional coaching with a fitness program. Your clients will be more comfortable taking lessons from someone they think understands their challenges.
4 – Write Books People Will Buy and Read
Writing a book about your career and life experiences is a good way of ensuring your legacy lives on. Many people would be interested in reading how you overcame different challenges in life.
You can also pack your lessons in a series of eBooks, films and articles. You can offer a fully-fledged course on platforms like Masterclass. Your course will attract learners as long as there is value in it.
There are plenty of opportunities to make an extra dollar while enjoying your retirement. A good internet connection and a basic home office are all you need to spend your time more productively and profitably.
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[avatar user=”mike” size=”thumbnail” align=”” link=”file”]Mike Gaudreau is the owner of The Wealthy Boomers, a site devoted to helping seniors make money online. Mike resides in Montreal Canada.[/avatar]
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