William Furney - Boomer insight

Articles for author: William Furney

20 Texas Stereotypes That Couldn’t Be Further from the Truth

Texas is ofte­n misunderstood by those unfamiliar with it. While having a distinct identity, many stereotypes about this vast state­ are inaccurate. When thinking of Te­xas, common images include cowboys, dese­rts, oil rigs, barbecues, and country music. But these­ elements hardly de­fine Texas or its diverse­ population. The Lone Star State has a complex identity, ...

18 Things Seniors No Longer Feel Obligated to Do

If there’s one good thing about age, it’s having the confidence to embrace the things that we want and reject those that we don’t. We’re less bothered by social perceptions, people-pleasing, and perfection, making older age a liberating phase of life. Let’s look at a few of the things that older people are happy to ...

21 Things People Over 60 Are Often Advised Against

Hitting the big 60 can leave some people thinking that certain life choices are unacceptable. Society is due a massive awakening, as many people in their Golden Years are choosing to embrace their time doing the things they love. Why shouldn’t they? Let’s look at 18 things that people over 60 are advised against pursuing. ...

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