Samantha Jenkins - Boomer insight

Articles for author: Samantha Jenkins

18 Times Boomers Nailed It with Their Complaints

Younger generations often criticize the backward thinking of their Baby Boomer elders, and in some ways, they have good reason to. Gen Zs and Millennials have moved society forward in groundbreaking ways that the generations preceding them failed to accomplish. Sometimes, the Boomers do get it right, however, and while it’s easy to criticize their ...

18 Ways Parents are Raising Failed Adults

Parenting is a tough gig, and no one is perfect. Every parent wants the best for their children, but some well-intentioned actions can have negative consequences. By avoiding these common pitfalls and nurturing resilience, responsibility, and emotional intelligence, parents can help their children grow into successful, well-rounded adults. It sounds so easy. Doing Everything for ...

18 Commonly Held Misunderstandings About Native Americans

We’re all guilty of stereotyping from time to time, but when these assumptions are ungrounded, it can lead to several issues for certain communities. Native Americans have long been misinterpreted as teepee-living, feather-donning characters akin to many of the movies we’ve seen them in. The truth is that they’re nothing like these representations, and live ...

18 Disturbing Truths Behind America’s Neglect of Black History

Black history is an integral part of American history, and despite more recent popular movements like Black Lives Matter, many general populations still fail to consider how historical events have impacted current and future generations. Black history is vastly overlooked for several reasons. Here are 18 unnerving truths about why many white Americans are still ...

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