Mike Gaudreau - Boomer insight - Part 5

Articles for author: Mike Gaudreau

5 Reasons Why Multitasking Is Overrated

If you’re like many people you spend most days multitasking. You’re probably so used to multitasking that you don’t even realize when you’re doing it. After all, it’s a skill many employers look for in their employees. Many people believe multitasking saves them time.

Mike Gaudreau

4 Ways to Get Repeat Customers

The most valuable list you can build as an online marketer is your customer list. On average, you will see much higher sales rates when you’re emailing an offer to a customer list than if you send that same email to a free subscriber list. It only makes sense then to email your existing customers ...

6 Super Simple Tips to Improve Your Focus

Maybe you want to focus on a single task, but find yourself easily distracted. You find it difficult to focus on what you are doing because you find your mind wandering, you’re worrying about everything or maybe you just have way too many things you need to do to make a choice of just one ...

Mike Gaudreau

28 Boring Words And What You Should Use Instead In Your Content

What does an inadequacy in one’s language signal? Essentially, the inability to convey thoughts in an engaging, memorable and precise way. Whatever your job or general area of expertise may be, today proper communication skills are a must-have if you want to have impressive career opportunities and simply be an interesting person to talk to.

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