Micheal Brussel - Boomer insight - Part 2

Articles for author: Micheal Brussel

20 Ridiculous American Laws and Customs That Make No Sense

America is known for its cultural diversity and unique legal landscape. This also includes some peculiar laws and customs, which might seem normal to locals but will surprise visitors from other countries when they learn about them. Legalizing Recreational Marijuana While many countries have strict laws against marijuana, several US states have legalized its recreational ...

8 Odd Things That Are Banned in the White House

The White House is a symbol of power and history and is a place where traditions meet modern-day policies. It’s a location where many of the world’s most significant decisions are made, and people look at the building with a level of respect and intrigue. But beyond all of the showmanship and grandeur that comes ...

21 States Where Squatters’ Rights Make Property Theft Legal

When people think of property theft, they likely envision breaking and entering. Still, in many states across the U.S., there’s a more subtle and legal way for individuals to claim property ownership. That’s adverse possession. This allows settlers to gain legal title to a property if they meet certain conditions and remain on the land ...

18 Careers That Pay Much More Than You’d Think

When we think of high-paying jobs, roles like doctors, lawyers, and tech executives usually come to mind. While they all pay well, there are many lesser-known professions where people quietly earn impressive salaries. People would rarely think of these jobs when it comes to earning an outstanding salary, but it proves there’s plenty of money ...

21 Unique US Destinations That Go Beyond Tourist Traps

When people visit the United States, the typical tourist traps are often high on the list of places to visit. These places are all over Instagram or have popped up in movies and television shows, and while they have a lot to offer, they’re not the only places worth visiting in the country. There are ...

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