Cathy Dean - Boomer insight - Part 6

Articles for author: Cathy Dean

Cathy Dean

20 Popular Boomer Names That Aren’t Heard Anymore

Names are much like fashion, and they often come and go in waves of popularity. The Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, brought forth a plethora of names that have since seen a significant decline in popularity. Here, we delve into 20 once-popular Baby Boomer names that have largely fallen out of favor. Pat ...

Cathy Dean

19 Common Fashion Mistakes Seniors Need to Avoid

Our clothes not only have the practical function of keeping us warm and dry, but they are also a form of self-expression. A new dress or suit has the power to give you confidence, and it can impact your mood. While we are young, we might dare to wear whatever we want and not think ...

Cathy Dean

18 Things to Leave Behind After You Turn 60

If you’re approaching this age the good news is that 60 is the new 40, however, if you want to keep up with those in their 40s, and younger, you might need to make a few adjustments to how you live your life.  As we age we encounter many changes, whether it’s regarding our health, ...

Cathy Dean

18 Effective Ways to Continue Working Well Into Your 70s

There is evidence to suggest that the longer you work, the longer you live. Furthermore, continuing work in your 70s can have numerous benefits, including financial stability, mental engagement, and social interaction. While many people long for the days of retirement when they can kick back and do as little as possible, others dread the ...

Cathy Dean

18 Implications For Boomers if Biden Gets a Second Term

With elections on the horizon, there appear to be only two possibilities for America’s next President: Donald J. Trump or Joe Biden. Each of these men represents differing values across the board, aiming to implement differing political policies that will shape the course of America’s future. No one is more concerned about the outcome of the 2024 ...

Cathy Dean

18 Great Traditions That Have Faded Away with Society’s Decline

If you are lucky enough to remember life before the internet (or old enough, cough), you might recall a simpler time when smartphones weren’t pinging all day, and we still thought that a “notification” was a letter posted through the letterbox with some important writing on it.  But alas, those days are gone, and in ...

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