Cathy Dean - Boomer insight - Part 5

Articles for author: Cathy Dean

Cathy Dean

18 Beliefs Central to Understanding Woke Culture

We often hear the term ‘Woke’ bandied about online, but what does it even mean? The term’ woke’ is generally used to refer to a greater level of sensitivity and awareness regarding issues of social justice, equality, diversity, and inclusion.  While definitions of what it means to be ‘Woke’ vary, here’s a list of 18 attitudes ...

Cathy Dean

18 Reasons Gen Z Demands Pay Without Working

Generation Z has grown up very differently from Millennials and Baby Boomers, and they appear to have a unique set of values compared to their predecessors.  A combination of growing up with the internet, and smartphones, and an enhanced sense of self-awareness, and empathy has resulted in Gen Z having higher expectations for themselves, others, ...

Cathy Dean

20 Outdated Items You Should Toss Immediately

As we mature, our standards for the things (and people) we surround ourselves with should increase in quality. Gone are the days of a cheap and cheerful student lifestyle. While, at one time, having a blow-up chair in our bedroom might have been acceptable, as time passes, so should our taste and ability to purchase durable, ...

Cathy Dean

18 Former Status Symbols That Are Now Embarrassing

They say that while style is timeless, fashion fades fast, and this does appear to be the case. Some things that once were considered the ultimate status symbol now look cheap and tacky. Here are 18 things that used to signal status but now look uncool.  Pearls Nothing used to signal elegance and class like pearls. ...

Cathy Dean

20 Classic Phrases You’d Only Hear in a Southern Kitchen

The South is a place full of vibrant culture, tasty cuisine, and warmth that is admired throughout the US. But, as well as its unique traditions, the South is also known for having some colorful expressions, especially in the kitchen.  Let’s take a look at 20 phrases you’d only ever hear in a Southern kitchen. “Y’all ...

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