Cathy Dean - Boomer insight - Part 4

Articles for author: Cathy Dean

Cathy Dean

18 Hostile Nations US Citizens Should Avoid Traveling To

You might have already noticed, but the world is experiencing a period of political instability. While Americans are welcome in many destinations, the US is not a universally welcomed nation due to political tensions, cultural differences, and historical events. As a US citizen, you should be aware of countries that are deemed dangerous, heavily bureaucratic, ...

Cathy Dean

20 Things Americans Do Without Realizing How Strange It Is

If you’ve ever been a guest in the land of the free, you might have noticed that Americans have some unique cultural quirks that aren’t present in other parts of the world. Whether it’s pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, over-the-top customer service, or an expectation to tip for everything, here’s a list of 18 ...

Cathy Dean

18 Supposed Veteran Discounts That End Up Costing Full Price

Life in the military is not easy, and it comes with many risks; often, veterans sacrifice everything from their freedom to their health, with many enduring long periods of service overseas, away from their families. That’s why, whether it’s specialized healthcare, home improvement grants, or educational benefits, our ex-military soldiers must be looked after, recognized, and ...

Cathy Dean

18 Slang Words That Make You Sound Older Than You Think

Slang words are very fickle, and what might seem like the coolest saying one week will have you looking like an old-fashioned loser the next. Each generation seems to develop its language, specifically its own unique way of communicating that something is “cool.” However, trends and fads change, and what once was in fashion can quickly become ...

Cathy Dean

18 Jobs That Technology Will Replace Sooner Than Expected

The world is going digital, and thanks to technological advancements, automation, and changing consumer behaviors, certain jobs will soon be totally obsolete. So many of our everyday tasks can now be done by computers, whether scanning our groceries at a checkout, paying for goods, packing products on an assembly line, or even driving vehicles, advanced technology ...

Cathy Dean

18 Reasons Boomers Are Turning Their Backs on the Church

For many of us, Boomers are now our parents or grandparents, and as the older generation, we tend to think of them as being more religious, church-going folk. However, times appear to be changing. There has been a marked shift in the number of Boomers deciding to leave the church and turn their back on ...

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