Cathy Dean - Boomer insight - Part 2

Articles for author: Cathy Dean

Cathy Dean

18 Ways to Confidently Discuss Your Termination During Job Interviews

Getting fired is a tough blow, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your career. How you handle the situation in your next job interview can make all the difference. Here’s a comprehensive guide on addressing your termination with potential new employers, regaining your confidence, and moving forward positively. Acknowledge Your Emotions Before diving ...

Cathy Dean

19 Things You Should Never Say to a Millennial

Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, are often the subject of fascination and scrutiny in today’s cultural landscape.  As a generation shaped by rapid technological advancements, economic challenges, and shifting societal norms, they have cultivated unique values and pet peeves, especially regarding language. Here are 19 phrases that rub Millennials up the wrong way. “Quit Job-Hopping ...

Cathy Dean

How to Save $20,000 a Year by Cutting These 24 Expenses

Cutting down on unnecessary expenses can significantly boost your savings, something we all need right now. Here’s a comprehensive guide to trimming your budget that could save you over $20,000 annually without drastically changing your lifestyle. Eating Out Eating out can be tempting, especially after a long day at work and empty cupboards, but cooking at ...

Cathy Dean

18 Leaders Who Went Down in History for All the Wrong Reasons

History is filled with leaders whose reigns have left indelible marks on the past. These rulers have carved out some dark chapters for humanity through tyranny, incompetence, or sheer malice. Here, we explore some of the most notorious figures who, for various reasons, have been etched into history as some of the worst rulers ever ...

Cathy Dean

18 Pointless Things You Still Remember from Your Childhood

Whenever we are small kids, we usually get taught to learn certain things by heart, not realizing that the songs, prayers, and even locker codes that we learn as children might stay with us for decades. Here are 18 useless things that people still have memorized from their childhood. Old House Phone Numbers How many of ...

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