Amy Watkins - Boomer insight - Part 2

Articles for author: Amy Watkins

Amy Watkins

18 Acts Considered Elegant if You’re Wealthy but Gaudy if You’re Poor

One of the benefits of wealth is the ability to make trashy behavior look sophisticated. Poorer people don’t have this luxury. What’s considered unique and a form of self-expression in wealthier communities is considered tacky and attention-seeking among working-class and poorer communities. Here are 18 things considered classy if you’re rich but trashy if you’re ...

Amy Watkins

18 Things You Shouldn’t Attempt After Age 75

Aging reflects a life full of experiences and wisdom. But it also requires lifestyle changes to meet our evolving needs and abilities. Just turned 75? Here are 18 activities to avoid or adapt to. Avoid Taking Part in Rough Sports This one seems like a given, but if you’re over 75, it’s probably best not ...

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