Amy Watkins - Boomer insight

Articles for author: Amy Watkins

Amy Watkins

18 States Where Squatters Can Take Over Your Property

Squatter’s rights legally allows individuals to claim ownership of property they don’t legally own under certain conditions. Typically, this includes continuous and open possession for a certain period of time, while also paying property taxes. Here are 18 states that allow squatters to legally claim ownership of your property. California In California, squatters can legally ...

Amy Watkins

19 Factors Driving Residents to Leave California Permanentl

The Golden State of California offers a variety of landscapes, from bustling beach towns to remote mountain communities, attracting visitors from all over the world. But the number of people who choose to live in California is decreasing as more people leave the state than move in. Here are 19 reasons why people are leaving ...

Amy Watkins

21 Southern Phrases That Make No Sense Outside the South

The American South has a reputation for lots of things, but nothing quite as endearing as its Southern slang. Some may agree that the southern dialect is its own language that requires translation. Travel anyplace south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and you’re likely to hear a cheery ‘Y’all, a cheeky ‘Bless Your Heart,’ or any ...

Amy Watkins

21 Things Banned in the US But Allowed in Other Countries

The Land of the Free certainly has plenty of don’ts that may seem puzzling to those living outside its borders. From Kinder Surprises to hitchhiking, 21 bans have been passed in the US that are otherwise normal in other parts of the world. Kinder Surprise Eggs Are Allowed Everywhere Else Banned for being a choking ...

Amy Watkins

21 Animals That Terrify Even Rattlesnakes

Despite their frightening reputation, Rattlesnakes are far from the top of the food chain. In fact, a lot of different animal species kill and eat rattlesnakes. Here are 21 animals capable of hunting rattlesnakes. Mongoose The mongoose is well-known for its ability to evade dangerous snakes. Its speed and quick reflexes allow it to avoid ...

Amy Watkins

18 Overused Phrases by High-IQ Individuals That Sound Pretentious

Certain expressions are common in conversations among people with higher-than-average IQs, indicating a more in-depth way of processing information. Here are 18 phrases people with high IQs commonly use. “Let’s Consider the Evidence” People with higher-than-average IQs frequently approach discussions with a critical perspective. They want to make their arguments based on evidence rather than ...

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