Ethan Knight - Boomer insight - Part 3

Articles for author: Ethan Knight

Ethan Knight

18 Reasons Why Having A Gun In Your Home Is Imperative

Owning a gun is a hot topic in the US. With potential threats in the home and on the streets, there are many reasons one should consider owning a gun. But the benefits aren’t only limited to self-protection. Owning a gun can teach you many things to help you become a better person.  Here are ...

Ethan Knight

25 Admirable Baby Boomer Traits Every Generation Should Aspire To

The generational divide is highlighted through our different habits and outlook on life. Often, one generation will note the negative habits and behavioral traits of a particular generation. But there are many positive habits that generations should adopt from each other. Whether it’s by putting family first, developing a goal-oriented work ethic, or simply appreciating ...

Ethan Knight

21 Ways the Middle Class Becomes and Stays Poor

No matter your occupation or wage, there are some habits that will prevent you from optimizing your wealth. Whether you spend too much money on clothes, make bad investments, or have expensive hobbies, many things keep people poor. Here are 21 habits that are keeping you poor.  Not Keeping Track of Expenses Not keeping track ...

Ethan Knight

19 Things People Over the Age of 60 Should Stop Doing

Despite living a long and fulfilled life, there aren’t any reasons why an older person shouldn’t change their habits for the better. Although one may argue that it hasn’t affected them as of yet, the body keeps score and bad habits can catch up with us any day. Here are 19 things that people over ...

Ethan Knight

18 Modern Taboos That Were Once Acceptable

It’s only natural that habits and behaviors change over the centuries. But sometimes parents or grandparents used to do things which their children may think is weird or incomprehensible today.  Here are 18 modern taboos that were completely normal back in the day.   Unannounced visits Since we are overreliant on our phones and they’re our ...

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