Ethan Knight - Boomer insight - Part 2

Articles for author: Ethan Knight

Ethan Knight

21 Characteristics That Distinguish a True Firearms Enthusiast

Gun owners are a distinct breed of people with various values, skills, and characteristics. Whether it’s related to the technical aspects of shooting, personal values, or survival instincts, here are 21 unmistakable traits of gun owners.  Survival Instincts & Practicality  Gun owners often have strong survival instincts. When you own a gun, you have a ...

Ethan Knight

19 Things That Disappeared From Our Lives Without Us Noticing

Societies are constantly evolving, and it’s only natural that things come in and out of fashion But some things seemingly fade or even vanish without us even paying attention. Here are 19 things that disappeared from society without us noticing.  Coca-Cola Bottles Not many things feel more nostalgic than having a Coca-Cola in its vintage ...

Ethan Knight

18 Modern Issues Baby Boomers Struggle to Relate To

Many discrepancies between Gen X, Gen Z, millennials, and boomers highlight the inevitable generational divide. Whether it’s something significant, such as the economy and job market, or something seemingly irrelevant, such as an emoji or a meme, here are 18 modern issues boomers don’t get. Being Left on Read Communication is easier than ever in ...

Ethan Knight

18 Cities With the Highest Crime Rates in the World

Crime exists in every country, no matter how strict the laws are or how thriving its economy is. But when you combine other aspects, such as corruption, poverty, racial tension, and more, some cities suffer more than others when it comes to crime. Here are 18 cities with some of the world’s highest crime rates.  ...

Ethan Knight

18 Reasons Why Living in California Just Isn’t Worth It

It’s not a surprise that California is a highly desirable place for many people, inside and outside the US. As a hub for industries such as film and media, and with plenty of beaches, it’s not hard to understand why someone would want to move there. But no place is perfect, and California faces problems ...

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