Thomas Robinson - Boomer insight

Articles for author: Thomas Robinson

18 Theories on the Afterlife That Challenge Our Understanding of Death

The question of what lies beyond the threshold of death has fascinated humanity for millennia, transcending cultural, religious, and philosophical boundaries. Across traditions and belief systems, there are myriad theories and interpretations concerning the fate of the soul after the body ceases to function. From visions of heavenly bliss to cycles of reincarnation, from annihilation ...

18 Common Roadside Scams Every Driver Should Watch Out For

Owning a car brings convenience to your daily life. However, as with any aspect of life, car ownership introduces the potential for encountering unscrupulous individuals looking to exploit you. From deceitful mechanics to inflated prices and unnecessary parts, the pitfalls can quickly accumulate. Therefore, establishing trust with an auto shop is paramount. Below are some ...

22 Revered Historical Figures Who Did Some Pretty Terrible Things

Throughout history, many individuals have been revered for their accomplishments, leadership, or contributions to society. However, behind their esteemed facades lie complex narratives, often tainted by their involvement in controversial or morally questionable actions.  Thomas Jefferson While celebrated as a founding father and author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson’s legacy is marred by his ...

Top 20 Worst World Leaders of All Time

In world history, there have been leaders whose names evoke not admiration, but condemnation. These individuals, through their actions, policies, and legacies, have left lasting scars on their countries and the world at large. From brutal dictators who ruled with an iron fist to those who pursued destructive agendas. While the criteria for assessing their ...

20 Catholic Beliefs That Aren’t in the Bible

Ever wondered about the beliefs that shape Catholic tradition but aren’t explicitly mentioned in the Bible? Here we uncover 20 such beliefs, shedding light on their origins, significance, and how they contribute to the Catholic faith. Papal Infallibility This belief stems from interpretations of passages like Matthew 16:18-19, where Jesus gives Peter the keys to ...

Who Are The Mormons? 18 Beliefs That Raise Questions

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as Mormons, holds a unique place in the mosaic of faith. With a focus on family, service, and eternal progression, their beliefs offer a glimpse into a worldview shaped by divine revelation and a profound sense of purpose. Join me as we journey through 18 ...

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