Mike Gaudreau - Boomer insight - Part 4

Articles for author: Mike Gaudreau

Using Foreshadowing To Improve Your Email Open Rates

Email marketing is a great way to make a living online. It can help you sell more of your own products or those you are an affiliate for.  It can also help you get more traffic to your blog and thus improve your advertising income. In other words, email marketing is an important cornerstone of ...

5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Confidence

We all know them. You know the ones, those self-confident individuals who always seem to be in control. They make snap decisions, appear to be more successful than most people, and possess an inner strength that is almost visible.

Mike Gaudreau

How to Create a Killer 5-Minute Presentation

Developing and delivering a five-minute presentation seems an easy enough task at first -- until you realize the condensed format actually requires significantly more efficiency, focus, and attention to detail than longer presentation types.

Why It Is Important to Develop a Better Mindset

Some people are all into having a positive mindset. Some are so into it that it almost seems like hoopla stuff to the people who have a more negative mindset. Trust me, this is not some hoopla method for finding your inner bliss, nor does it require you to scale a mountain and sit cross-legged ...

How You Can Plan Products to Promote

Interesting fact: It’s a lot easier to sell a second product to an existing customer than it is to find a new one. Keeping that in mind, it only makes sense then to plan out a product funnel that allows people to make multiple purchases from you. Instead of focusing all your time and energy ...

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