Micheal Brussel - Boomer insight

Articles for author: Micheal Brussel

20 Things People Would Ban if They Could Make the Rules

While people have a lot of say about what goes on in their lives, there are many aspects that they don’t get to impact. Things in society that frustrate people are situations that few have any influence over, but that would change if they were given the power to. Being able to ban things would ...

18 Jobs That Pay Way More Than Expected

When we think of high-paying jobs, roles like doctors, lawyers, and tech executives usually come to mind. While they all pay well, there are many lesser-known professions where people quietly earn impressive salaries. People would rarely think of these jobs when it comes to earning an outstanding salary, but it proves there’s plenty of money ...

18 Hiding Places Burglars Will Always Search for Your Valuables

We all have secret nooks where we think our valuables are safe from prying eyes, but burglars know where to find them. While everyone hopes they never find themselves robbed, understanding the common areas that a burglar will check can be valuable information in preparing and hiding your most precious items. The Medicine Cabinet People ...

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