Rosie Richards - Boomer insight

Articles for author: Rosie Richards

21 Skills Boomers Possess That Millennials Are Envious Of

Living in the digital age has many benefits, from instant internet access to working from home. But, modern ways of living can sometimes overshadow the valuable skills perfected by previous generations. We take a look at 21 skills that Boomers have that Millennials are envious of: Analog Problem-Solving In a world dominated by digital solutions, ...

21 Fairy Tales with Racist Undertones We Often Overlook

We’ve all grown up reading fairy tales and watching them come alive on screen. While these classic stories have positive moral messages, some have proven problematic. Upon deeper reading, some fairytales are now considered racist, with calls for parents and teachers to stop reading them to children.  Peter Pan J.M. Barrie wrote Peter Pan in ...

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