Cathy Dean - Boomer insight

Articles for author: Cathy Dean

Cathy Dean

18 Places Where You Shouldn’t Feel Obligated to Tip

Tipping can be a confusing and stressful aspect of our daily interactions, especially when it feels obligatory in situations where it’s not actually necessary. Knowing when and where to tip can save you from unnecessary expenses and awkward moments. It can also alleviate stress and help you navigate social norms more effectively. Here’s a guide to ...

Cathy Dean

20 Common Rip-Offs We Begrudgingly Tolerate

We live in a consumer society where companies and businesses pay marketing specialists millions of dollars for strategies that will get us to part with our hard-earned cash.  While some tactics involve selling the benefits of a product or service, others can be misleading, unethical, and even manipulative, and use scare-mongering, or dodgy tactics to ...

Cathy Dean

America’s Divisive Dozen – 18 Policies That Split the Nation

These issues spark dinner table debates, fuel passionate protests, and fill our news feeds with endless commentary. But beyond the headlines and the political rhetoric, it’s important to remember that behind each opinion is a human story, a personal experience that shapes one’s beliefs. Healthcare  Healthcare in America is wildly expensive and one of the ...

Cathy Dean

18 Effective Ways to Continue Working Well Into Your 70s

There is evidence to suggest that the longer you work, the longer you live. Furthermore, continuing work in your 70s can have numerous benefits, including financial stability, mental engagement, and social interaction. While many people long for the days of retirement when they can kick back and do as little as possible, others dread the ...

Cathy Dean

18 Reasons Baby Boomers Are Financially Vulnerable

Many Boomers face severe financial obstacles as they approach retirement, which could have a detrimental effect on their later years. Let’s review some of the potential causes and look at some of the reasons why Boomers find themselves in this situation. Inadequate Savings Some Boomers find themselves approaching retirement with not enough savings in the ...

Cathy Dean

18 Modern Day Things Boomers Accurately Predicted

Boomers deserve more credit. After all, this generation has battled through numerous challenges, including financial crises like the Great Recession, the pandemic, and the current cost-of-living crises. It appears that Boomers’ life experiences have afforded them some wisdom, as they have accurately predicted several modern-day challenges.  Let’s take a look at 18 things Boomers accurately predicted:  ...

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