25 Reasons Your Neighbors Might Drive You to Move - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Reasons Your Neighbors Might Drive You to Move

We’ve all had one of those neighbors who just seems to find new ways to get on our nerves. Today, we’re looking at 25 of the most common yet annoying neighborly habits out there. If you do any of these, you might want to rethink things.

Party Animals

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t love a good party? Honestly, probably anyone who’s trying to sleep while the neighbor’s bass shakes the entire block. These parties often go on until the early hours of the morning, meaning the whole street has to listen to loud music and chatter. Not everyone enjoys hearing “Bohemian Rhapsody” at full volume at 2 AM, and there are laws against it.

Prowling Pets

Editorial credit: Sarawut sriphakdee / Shutterstock.

Most of us are fans of pets, but not everyone keeps their furry friends under control. Some people let their pets roam free, and this turns other people’s yards into the go-to spot for…let’s just say, surprise deposits. It’s annoying and, quite frankly, a bit gross, especially when you’re the one who steps in the “surprise” while you’re mowing the lawn.

Parking Space Invaders

Editorial credit: zhukovvvlad / Shutterstock.

One of the worst feelings is coming home from a long day at work to find someone’s car parked a little too close to yours. Some neighbors really can’t seem to park within the lines, and it throws off our entire routine. Trying to get your car out without scratching anyone else’s means that your day is sure to start on a stressful note.

Fence Wars

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Sometimes, you might notice that something’s a little off about your backyard because your neighbor decided the property line was just a suggestion, not an actual boundary. It doesn’t matter if it’s a new fence or tree because something appearing on your side is never a good sign. Nobody likes to have those conversations about where their yard ends and the other begins.

Dawn Patrol

Editorial credit: SasaStock / Shutterstock.

There’s always that one neighbor who thinks 6 AM is the perfect time to start up the lawnmower. The early bird catches the worm, yes, but all we’re going to catch is bags under our eyes from being woken up so early. Forget about having a lazy morning in bed because this neighbor doesn’t even understand the idea of it.


Editorial credit: Wirestock Creators / Shutterstock.

Some neighbors have a love for all things festive, and that means they’ll take any excuse to turn their home into a visual nightmare for the holidays. It’s all fun and games until that giant glowing reindeer keeps you up at night or that Halloween animatronic scares you every time you walk past. Even trying to get to your mailbox becomes a challenge in the morning.

Trash Tales

Editorial credit: PeopleImages. com/ Shutterstock.

Leaving trash cans out long after pickup day or not picking up spilled garbage is disgusting. But it’s worse than that since it also invites pets, and nobody wants to deal with a raccoon rummaging through last week’s leftovers. It’s a free buffet for every stray animal in the neighborhood, thanks to the dirty people next door.

Kids Gone Wild

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

Of course, kids need to play, and it’s even better when they do it outside, but it’s a bit much when every playtime turns into a scream-fest in your front yard. It’s especially no fun when you can’t see their parents, and you’re left to play the bad guy by telling them to be quiet. With these little terrors, dodging toys becomes part of your daily routine, whether you like it or not.

The Junkyard

Editorial credit: The Toidi / Shutterstock.

Reusing and recycling benefits us all, but not everyone’s yard needs to look like a salvage yard. Some neighbors fill theirs with rusting car parts or furniture that’s seen better days, making their yard look like a thrift store disaster. You never know what creatures might be hiding beneath the piles.

Plant Invasion

Editorial credit: Halfpoint / Shutterstock.

When your neighbor’s plants start taking over your garden, no amount of love for greenery can hold you back. Suddenly, you’re spending weekends pulling out vines and weeds instead of enjoying your own space. Your neighbor might think they’re just sharing their plants, but we think of it more like an invasion.

Through the Walls

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It’s one thing to enjoy listening to music or binge some TV late at night, but it’s another when it’s all you can hear through those thin walls. Nobody wants to be forced to listen to dramas or bass-heavy beats, thanks to your selfish neighbor. Being an unwilling audience member in your own home can really test your patience.

Fixing It Up

Editorial credit: one pony / Shutterstock.

A house that’s always in disrepair is more than an eyesore because it can actually hurt the property values of all the other homes in the neighborhood. Whenever you walk by, you’ll end up imagining just how much nicer the area would be if that house got some TLC. A neglected home totally kills the vibe.

Renovation Roulette

Editorial credit: ronstik/Shutterstock.

At the same time, too many home improvements can also be an improvement. Nothing says “weekend” like hearing the roar of power tools at the crack of dawn on a Saturday. When you live around someone like this, a peaceful weekend morning just doesn’t exist. Don’t be this person.

Smoker’s Corner

Editorial credit: BLGKV / Shutterstock.

When your neighbor decides their favorite spot to smoke is right by your window, your home smells more like a bar than somewhere people live. Of course, you can shut the window, but then you’re stuck in a stuffy room. No matter how you try to get some fresh air, you’re left in a lose-lose situation.

Light Show

Editorial credit: anselmus/ Shutterstock.

Security lights are a great way to keep burglars away, but what about your beauty sleep? Having to deal with curtains and blinds to block out the night is never fun, and you’ll start to miss the simple darkness of the night. Soon enough, you’ll feel like you were the one who slept with the lights on.

Neighborhood Watch

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

If you’ve got a neighbor who’s more interested in your life than the latest soap opera, you’ll know the drill. Anytime you step outside, it’s like you’re stepping onto the stage, where your nosy neighbor is waiting for the daily update. Privacy is just a word here and not even something you can dream of.

Gossip Central

Editorial credit: shurkin_son / Shutterstock.

Speaking of privacy, if you want to find out how rumors start, look no further than the neighborhood gossip. With them, news travels fast, and it also seems to grow each time they tell a tale. You’ll start learning more about your neighbors than you ever hoped to know or ever asked for.

Argument Central

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

Living next to neighbors who fight like it’s their job is certainly awkward, but it’s also a ton of drama that you never subscribed to. Each should and clash means you’ll never be able to enjoy a quiet evening at home. Sometimes, it gets so loud that you can’t even hear your own TV over their constant bickering.

Door-to-Door Salesman

Editorial credit: gianni31 joker / Shutterstock.

Do you have a neighbor who’s always on a new business venture or supporting a cause? While it might sound great, the constant sales pitches get a little grating. Just going to get the mail means you’ll be part of a conversation about their latest discount deals or charity events, and you’ll end up knowing way more about their products than you ever wished.

No Shovels

Editorial credit: maradek / Shutterstock.

Winter’s hard enough without having to deal with walking on a sidewalk that looks like an obstacle course. Neighbors who don’t clear the snow from outside their houses cause issues for everyone, especially those with mobility issues. Are their lives really so busy that they can’t take a few minutes to shovel the snow away?

Constant Cleaning

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Drying your laundry outside is one thing, but leaving it there for days or weeks is another. Always having things on your clotheslines looks sloppy and changes the whole look of the neighborhood. After all, nobody wants to walk outside their house to be greeted by next-door’s underwear.

Mail Mountain

Editorial credit: sirtravelalot / Shutterstock.

Having an overflowing mountain causes a bunch of problems, including telling thieves that you’re not home. It doesn’t help when the pile starts to spill over because it’ll turn your front step into a mess of letters and flyers. You’ll risk missing important mail in all this clutter, which becomes another chore on your endless to-do list.

Delivery Dilemma

Editorial credit: Stokkete / Shutterstock.

Most of us love online shopping, especially when it gets close to the holidays, but when your neighbor’s home turns into a mini distribution center, it can get a bit much. The constant comings and going completely ruin the quiet of what should be a calm neighborhood. Did you move next to a warehouse or someone’s home?

Chemical Warfare

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

If you’re trying to keep pests at bay, chemicals can do the job, but be careful with how you use them. After all, there’s nothing quite like stepping outside for a breath of fresh air only to get a cloud of pesticides instead. Those fumes might kill the insects, but they’ll also kill any chance of enjoying the outdoors.

Never-Ending DIY

Editorial credit: TommyStockProject / Shutterstock.

There’s always that one neighbor who’s been bitten by the DIY bug, and it’s terminal. Every weekend, they’re doing a new project, and that means sanding or drilling until the early hours. Just when you think they’re done, out comes a new set of tools, and you’re left wishing you had soundproof walls.

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