Who Are The Mormons? 18 Beliefs That Raise Questions - Boomer insight

Thomas Robinson

Who Are The Mormons? 18 Beliefs That Raise Questions

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as Mormons, holds a unique place in the mosaic of faith. With a focus on family, service, and eternal progression, their beliefs offer a glimpse into a worldview shaped by divine revelation and a profound sense of purpose. Join me as we journey through 18 sacred beliefs that define the essence of Mormon theology, shedding light on the beliefs that inspire millions around the world.


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Mormons believe in the Trinity as three distinct beings united in purpose. God the Father is the supreme being, Jesus Christ is the Son who atoned for humanity’s sins, and the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit who comforts, enlightens, and testifies of truth.

The Book of Mormon

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Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon is a record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas, translated by Joseph Smith. They regard it as scripture alongside the Bible, containing teachings and accounts of Jesus Christ’s ministry among the people in the Americas.

Continuing Revelation

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Mormons believe that God speaks to prophets today, guiding the church and its members. They view the President of the Church, considered a prophet, seer, and revelator, as the conduit for ongoing divine communication.

Eternal Families

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Mormons believe that through temple ordinances, families can be sealed together for eternity. These sealing ceremonies ensure that familial relationships persist beyond death, fostering the concept of eternal families and the continuation of relationships in the afterlife.

Pre-Mortal Existence

Editorial credit: Ontheroad/lightstock.

Mormons believe that before coming to earth, individuals existed as spirits in the presence of God. This pre-mortal life is where spirits gained agency and progressed toward becoming like God.

Plan of Salvation

Editorial credit: Graceful_Journey /lightstock.

Mormons believe in a divine plan for human progression, including pre-mortal life, mortal existence, and post-mortal realms like heaven and hell. The plan provides opportunities for individuals to exercise agency, make choices, and progress toward their divine potential.

Restoration of the Gospel

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Mormons believe that through Joseph Smith, the true gospel as established by Jesus Christ was restored, including priesthood authority, ordinances, and doctrines that had been lost or corrupted over time.


Editorial credit: Adam Rhodes /lightstock.

Temples are sacred spaces where Mormons perform ordinances essential for salvation, such as baptism for the dead, marriage sealing, and other ceremonies. These ordinances are believed to unite families for eternity and provide access to exaltation in the afterlife.

Law of Tithing

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Mormons are required to donate 10% of their income to the church as tithing. These donations fund various church operations, including the construction and maintenance of temples, as well as humanitarian and welfare efforts.

Word of Wisdom

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The Word of Wisdom is a health code revealed to Joseph Smith, which prohibits the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea, among other substances. Mormons believe that adhering to the Word of Wisdom promotes physical health and spiritual well-being.

Modesty and Morality

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Mormons emphasize modesty in dress and behavior, adhering to high moral standards that promote chastity, fidelity in marriage, honesty, and integrity.

Priesthood Authority

Editorial credit: Michael Stein/lightstock.

Mormons believe in the restoration of priesthood authority, enabling worthy male members to act in God’s name to perform ordinances and lead the church. The priesthood is divided into two levels: the Aaronic Priesthood and the Melchizedek Priesthood.

The Atonement of Jesus Christ

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Mormons believe in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, providing redemption from sin and the opportunity for repentance and forgiveness. The Atonement is central to Mormon theology, offering hope and reconciliation to all who come unto Christ.


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Mormons believe in the principle of agency, asserting that individuals have the freedom to choose between good and evil. Agency is a fundamental aspect of the plan of salvation, allowing individuals to progress and develop their divine potential.

Divine Potential

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Mormons believe that humans have the potential to become like God, inheriting divine qualities and participating in the work of salvation. This concept, known as eternal progression, underscores the eternal nature of human identity and potential.

Service and Missionary Work

Editorial credit: Adriana Mahdalova/ Shutterstock.

Mormons are known for their emphasis on service and missionary work, striving to share their beliefs with others and serve their communities. Missionary service is considered a duty and privilege for young men and women, as well as couples and senior members.

The Second Coming

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Mormons anticipate the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, heralding a time of judgment and the establishment of His millennial reign on earth. They believe in signs and prophecies preceding His return and strive to be prepared for His coming.

Eternal Progression

Editorial credit: Laszlo66 / Shutterstock.

Mormons believe in eternal progression, the idea that through obedience to God’s commandments and continual learning and growth, individuals can progress to become like God. This eternal perspective shapes their understanding of life’s purpose and the potential for eternal joy and fulfillment.

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