Stop Building Websites! It’s Time To Forget What You Know About Building Websites - Boomer insight

Mike Gaudreau

Stop Building Websites! It’s Time To Forget What You Know About Building Websites

building websites

OK, maybe not quite everything. What do you know about building websites? After all, we all know that a strong website is the most valuable tool at the company’s disposal. However, when it comes to building a successful website, it’s probably a wise idea to enter the process with an open mind.

With so much information available, as well as the ever-changing landscape, you may be focusing on the wrong things. Here’s how to change that.

Lose The Desire To Be Different When Building Websites

It’s true that your website needs to stand out to make a difference. However, building websites from scratch may actually alienate your audience. As such, it’s never a bad idea to stick with the idea of using unique content within familiar frameworks. Picking a reliable host and a strong CMS will ensure low downtime and prevent the threat of alienating the users. The fact that you will be able to create, modify, and troubleshoot this type of website far sooner should not be overlooked either.

Look Beyond On-Site SEO

Search Engine Optimization is an integral part of website marketing. Most consumers turn to Google to look for businesses and products. Better still, they are in the process of thinking about making a purchase. However, it’s not just about keywords and alt tags on your site. You should also place a heavy focus on mastering your Google My Business listing. This will help you get indexed on the Maps tab as well as the SERPs. Meanwhile, verified Google Reviews can influence opinions.

Stop Focusing Solely On Traffic When Building Websites

While securing more clicks will give you a far better shot at success, it counts for very little if it’s not supported by converted sales. Using a service like Visitor Queue to capture user data will provide insights and provide the start of better interactions. In turn, this should enable you to direct visitors to the sales funnel, which will subsequently boost sales. Not only will you win more customers, but they will spend more frequently. Given that this is the main purpose of having a website, you’d be a fool to ignore it any longer.

Do Not Build a Boring Website

Sure, you want your website to be professional and trustworthy. However, the days of a bland and boring site are long gone. While service pages can be informative, the use of a blog or vlog can build a stronger sense of resonation. Given that customers are increasingly interested in the brand connection, the results can be telling. It should be supported by influencer marketing, which can be found at places like Tagger Media. When you get people excited about the brand, the website will achieve so much more.

Don’t Limit Interactions and Be Proactive and Responsive

Customers demand fast results like never before. Your website is a gateway that provides them with access to answers on a 24/7 basis. Adding a chatbot to your platform is a very effective way to ensure that they get the answers they need, especially when supported by a returns page. On a side note, you can have messages redirected straight to your phone (or an employee’s) to offer real-time responses. When customer pain points are solved right away, they are far less likely to take their custom elsewhere.

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[avatar user=”mike” size=”thumbnail” align=”” link=”file”]Mike Gaudreau is the owner of The Wealthy Boomers, a site devoted to helping seniors make money online. Mike resides in Montreal Canada.[/avatar]

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