Everybody has specific things they’d like to achieve in life, whether it’s career goals, areas of the world to visit, or random bucket list items they want to cross off. Unfortunately, there’s not enough time for everyone to do what they would like, but when people die, there tend to be a lot of everyday things that people regret. Even those who get to live long lives tend to miss certain things, with these common regrets being aspects of life people can live to try not to have.
Not being present for loved ones

Everybody goes through hard times, and that’s when they need their friends and family the most on a deeper, more emotional level. Unfortunately, many older people regret not doing precisely that at the end of their lives, often feeling that they didn’t step up when it truly mattered.
Working too much

Everyone has to deal with work, earning money to pay bills, and the exciting aspects of people’s time on Earth. But getting a good work-life balance is a trick that many people need help with. Many people struggle with knowing that it’s about working to live and not the other way around, and that can be a common regret for older people when they come to their final moments. They believe they worked too much, costing themselves precious moments doing other things.
Not traveling enough

Travel can be expensive, and that’s ultimately a big reason why people aren’t able to explore everywhere they’d like. But there are always affordable options, whether it’s a short distance away or even closer to where they live. Unfortunately, many older adults regret their lack of travel when they die, whether due to financial limitations or simply laziness. This proves how important it is for people to get out there and see the world.
Giving up on passions

When people are younger, it is expected to have passions, dreams, and aspirations. Whether playing in a band or creating fantastic art, everyone has something they’d like to achieve at some point. But along the way, life often puts things in the way of chasing those dreams, whether that’s work or family life. Unfortunately, not pursuing those passions is something many people regret at the end of their lives.
Not looking after themselves

It’s common for younger people to take good care of their bodies, whether it’s working out in the gym, eating a healthy diet, or getting in 10,000 steps. But as time passes, that often fades in people, with a lot of the elderly population usually neglecting themselves. Not going for regular checkups or screenings can cost people a few extra years on Earth, which can be a big regret for some.
Staying in the comfort zone

People pushing themselves out of their comfort zones is challenging, and it can be daunting to try. Whether it’s in work, through fashion choices, or who they want to be as people, many will opt not to go outside their comfort zone through fear of what might end up happening. But when it comes to the end of their lives, many older people wish they’d gone out of it and tried something different.
Being a people pleaser

Saying yes to everything to try and make other people happy might seem like the best way to live when someone is in the moment. But considering how many people live to regret being people pleasers, it would appear that’s not the case. That’s because being a people pleaser often leads to doing things that they don’t want to do in the first place.
Worrying about the future

The future is unpredictable, and no matter how much time someone spends thinking about it and worrying over potential circumstances, it never makes life any easier. Instead, people waste time fretting about what might come next rather than simply living in the moment, and that’s a situation many people wind up regretting when they hit old age.
Not resolving arguments

People falling out is natural in life, and it’s almost impossible to go through it without some form of conflict. But most people build bridges and fix their issues with others as they go. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case, but those who don’t resolve their fallouts often regret that when they pass away, thinking about the missed years of potential connection.
Deciding to smoke/do drugs

There are many habits that people can pick up throughout life, and not all of them are positive. Smoking or taking drugs are examples of that, which can end up having negative impacts on people’s lives in the long run. At the same time, some people breeze through life without being interested in either of them, and a lot of older adults who dabbled in that regret it.
Staying in touch with friends

Many people make friends early on in life, whether at school or at work, but maintaining that isn’t always easy. Whether it’s because people move away to different locations or they’re at different stages of their lives, it’s common for folk to drift apart. But not staying in touch with friends is a situation many people live to regret, as they miss out on so much over time.
Trying to impress people

At some point in life, everyone attempts to impress someone for various reasons. Whether it’s to make a friend, to wow a potential romantic partner, or to get a job. But many people end up living to regret that decision, as impressing others rather than being authentic is something many people wish they hadn’t done.
Wishing they had more children

Choosing to start a family is a big life commitment, but it’s one that many proudly make. But due to the costs involved or other circumstances, they often end up not having any more, which can cause regret at the end of life as they wish they’d been able to have the extra love in their lives.
Not getting further education

Nobody ever stops learning in life, as there are constant lessons to be taken from any situation, whether in an official school setting or not. But actively trying to learn about things is something many people stop after compulsory education. Despite the fact there’s so much to be learned over time, many choose to stop and then live to regret it later, wondering how they could’ve pushed themselves.
Let yourself be happy

Being happy is a simple idea on paper, but turning that into reality can be a complex challenge. Unfortunately, many people end up putting roadblocks in front of themselves to make being happy difficult, often wasting lots of time questioning the decisions they make rather than embracing life, which can be a frustrating mistake in hindsight.
Wasting time chasing the wrong thing

Whether it’s in a career, romance, or something totally different, it can be easy to waste time searching and chasing after something that seems right at the time but ultimately proves to be a complete waste. It’s frustrating to realize later in life, and that’s why so many end up kicking themselves when their time is up.
Wishing they’d expressed more feelings

Sharing feelings with others can be difficult, and many people aren’t comfortable with it. Unfortunately, this leads to many people holding things and bottling up issues for a long time rather than truly expressing how they feel to people. That’s why many people end up pouring their hearts out towards the end of their lives, proving they regret not doing it earlier.
Spending more time with family

Family means a lot to everyone, but considering how busy life can become, it’s easy for people to overlook them and not spend as much time with them as possible. Considering the important role that family can play and the love they share, not spending as much time with them as possible is a situation many regret.
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