What Does “Woke” Really Even Mean Anymore? - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

What Does “Woke” Really Even Mean Anymore?

“Woke” is one of those terms that has caught fire lately, particularly in TV and social media debates. Originally, it meant being really aware of social injustices, but now? Its meaning has changed, and some people are even misusing it. Let’s look at what “woke” really means today and why it seems to get so many people riled up.

Where It All Started

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“Woke” isn’t new, and it actually started in African-American communities as a word meaning you’re aware of racial bias and social injustices. It was meant to remind people to stay informed about the various inequalities people experience every day. Over time, though, this word has picked up a few new definitions on the way. 

Everyone Has Their Own Definition

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Determining what “woke” means isn’t easy, as everyone seems to have their own take on it. As such, having a real conversation about it is difficult because nobody can agree on what it means. It’s really not surprising that talking about “woke” feels like we’re talking past each other.

Depends on Who You Ask

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You’ll get ten different answers if you ask ten people what “woke” means. For some, it still means staying aware of social injustices and pushing for change. For others, though, it’s a negative term and a fancy way of saying that everything has become too politically correct.

Polls Get It Twisted

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Various pollsters have asked participants about “woke,” and the answers are usually all over the place. Sometimes, participants link it to stuff like crime rates, which might not really have anything to do with being “woke” at all. It makes you wonder if we’re even discussing the same thing​ anymore.

How the Media Jumped In

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Once the media got hold of “woke,” they ran with it, and you’ll now see it in newsfeeds and headlines quite a bit. Sometimes, it seems as though the word’s original, powerful context is a bit lost in all the noise. Instead of making people think seriously about the world, “woke” feels like just another buzzword.

Companies Are Getting “Woke” Too

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Companies have also started using the word “woke” to show they’re on the right side of social issues. But sometimes, you have to wonder if they’re for real or just riding the wave to sell us more stuff. While sometimes they’re making a real difference, other times, it feels more like they’re checking a box than creating any real change.

Shopping With Values

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Nowadays, whether a company is labeled “woke” can actually affect where people shop. Conservative voters, in particular, will try to steer clear of businesses that are openly “woke.” Who would’ve thought that a four-letter word could affect where you spend your money and what you believe in​?

Political Football

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The political meaning of “woke” has also changed. For some, it’s a badge of honor, while for others, it’s a term of mockery. Either way, the word “woke” has got people fired up on both sides of the aisle, which is why discussions around this word almost always end up getting heated. People clearly care a lot about or are annoyed by how our culture is changing.

Companies Caught in the “Woke” Spotlight

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However, despite what some conservatives may argue, most people expect companies to be socially conscious and responsible. Polls indicate that many people actually support businesses that speak up on social issues, even if it does cause some issues. Maybe we’re all more “woke” than we think.

Conservatives Are Unhappy

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Many conservative Americans see “woke” as a bad word. To them, it symbolizes everything that’s going too far in changing traditional values. Many believe in maintaining traditions, so following new societal norms is too far for them. Conservative critics claim that wokeness is destroying society.

Campaign Trail Buzzword

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On the campaign trail, Republicans have started using “woke” as a catch-all term to challenge practically everything, like progressive policies and what books are in libraries. It’s become such a normal part of political speeches that you’ll hear it at least once during a rally. Democrats are using it, too, although in a different context.

Divisive Even Among Conservatives

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Even though they use it a lot, not all Republicans agree on what “woke” really means, and many of them tend to use it quite vaguely. Many politicians, like Senator Tommy Tuberville, use it without discussing its meaning, focusing instead on various liberal policies. It’s a term that’s become pretty loaded, even if people don’t agree on what it means. 

“Woke” Goes Legal

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Interestingly, the term has even entered legislative debates. For example, Indiana’s Congressman Banks previously called for votes to defund “wokeness” in any bills that spend money on what he describes as “leftist activities.” Clearly, the term has become pretty politicized and is now part of governmental funding and policy-making​discussions.

Progressives Cling to It

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Meanwhile, on the left, people support wokeness because they see it as important for moving forward. They believe in challenging old norms and ensuring nobody’s left behind just because “it’s always been that way.” Their enthusiasm sometimes brings progress, but it can also alienate anyone who feels things are moving too quickly.

School Days

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In schools, “woke” has become part of curriculums, which some people think is great for creating a more inclusive environment. But not everyone’s a fan, as some see it as pushing a particular agenda that they don’t agree with. Regardless of your opinion, it’s pretty clear that “wokeness” divides almost all aspects of our lives.

Words Change

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All linguists agree that words evolve over time, and “woke” is no different. Although it may not have the same meaning as before, that doesn’t have to be bad. Some critics argue that we must keep the word’s original meaning in sight. Understanding how the meaning changes can help keep the word’s original purpose alive.

When “Woke” Sounds Like Homework 

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Generally, discussion about “woke” can sound pretty academic, and many scholars use words like “intersectionality” during these debates. Some critics think this focus on cleaning up our language isn’t really helping push for the big changes we need in society. They believe we’re more worried about saying things right than doing things right.

Too Vague to Be Useful?

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia/ Shutterstock.

Some people argue that we shouldn’t use the word “woke” anymore, including its original definition and its use as an insult. They claim that as the term has become so vague, it’s hard to know what anyone means by it anymore. Perhaps it’s time for a little clarity so we can get back to the real issues​.

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