25 Ideas Once Held in High Regard, Now Ridiculed - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Ideas Once Held in High Regard, Now Ridiculed

As history marches on, the things that we once treasured and respected are constantly changing. Even things we saw as being truly amazing 20 years ago have become outdated or, at worst, disrespected. Here are 25 of these things.

Dressing Up for Air Travel

Editorial credit: Yaroslav Astakhov / Shutterstock.

Flying used to be a pretty big deal, and people would dress to the nines when they went on board, kind of like the plane was a fancy cocktail party. Nowadays, people care more about comfort by wearing yoga pants or sweaters. Honestly, can you blame them? Being squished in a seat for hours isn’t exactly comfy.

Smoking As a Status Symbol

Editorial credit: Nopphon_1987 / Shutterstock.

There was a time when lighting up a cigarette had a James Dean cool factor about it, especially among the Hollywood crowd. But times have changed quite a lot since then. Thanks to all those ads showing the nasty side effects and public campaign efforts, smoking has lost its glam and become a huge no-no. 

Stay At One Job

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Sticking with one job until they gave you a gold watch was the norm before. You wouldn’t dream of switching to a new position because sticking to the old one meant you had a stable job and you were being loyal to them. But now, people are constantly switching jobs for a variety of reasons, including because they’re chasing better offers or simply looking for a change.

Dinner Parties

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Hosting a dinner party used to be the ultimate event on the social calendar because it was a time for you to show off your best china and your cooking chops. Nowadays, who’s got the time? We’d rather grab a bite out or order food so that nobody has to do the dishes. Instead of gourmet meals and the perfect playlist, we’re just hoping someone brings enough potato chips.

Authority Figures

Editorial credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, we held authority figures like the boss and the local sheriff in high regard, no questions asked. You respected them simply because that was the right thing today. Today, most people care more about questioning the powers that be by demanding honesty over blind respect. If you’re in charge, you’ve got to earn that respect every day.

Learning Cursive Writing

Editorial credit: Triff/ Shutterstock.

When you wanted to impress your teachers, you’d show off your cursive skills and write in style, but that’s not something that really happens anymore. Most kids have no idea what cursive is, let alone how to write it. When was the last time you even saw someone write a grocery list in cursive?

The Monarchy

Editorial credit: Chris Allan / Shutterstock.

In places like England, people used to respect the Royal Family because they were a symbol of untouchable glamor and fairy tales. But fast-forward to today, and thanks to endless scandals and juicy tell-alls, they’re just as criticized as any reality TV star. The magic has definitely worn off, but the tabloids still can’t get enough.

Learning Latin

Editorial credit: Stephen Rees / Shutterstock.

Even though it’s been a dead language for some time, learning Latin used to be a sign that you’d received a top-notch education. These days, unless you’re trying to be a professor or a doctor, Latin’s just a fancy way of saying you’ve got too much time on your hands, which is why only 1% of the world speaks it. You’ll only really use it during a trivia quiz.

Wearing Fur

Editorial credit: Victoria Fox / Shutterstock.

Wearing fur used to be the ultimate symbol of luxury and high fashion, and you’d immediately respect anyone wearing it as a person of high status. But in today’s world, you’ll probably get more side-eyes than compliments because our views on animal rights have changed. Instead of just fashion, we care more about making ethical choices.

Learning Shorthand

Editorial credit: Robyn Mackenzie / Shutterstock.

Any assistants or reporters worth their salt would know shorthand, and it was a form of writing that lots of people respected because of how difficult it was to learn. It was a pretty cool trick to have up your sleeve. But now, who needs shorthand when you’ve got voice-to-text and a million apps for that? 

Manual Labor

Editorial credit: Bannafarsai_Stock / Shutterstock.

Way back when, if you worked with your hands, you were literally making something of yourself. We all knew just how important this job was, and we respected the people who did it. These days, there’s less glamor in the grit, even though we value those handmade goods quite a bit. Ironically, we love the final products but overlook the people who make them.

Attending Sunday Service

Editorial credit: Laszlo66 / Shutterstock.

Going to church was important for our faith, yes, but it was also important if you wanted to be part of the community. These days, you’ll probably find more people having brunch on Sundays and less of them in the pews. It’s still a respected tradition for many people, there’s just a much smaller crowd doing it.

Saving Stamps for Discounts

Editorial Credit: Sergey Ryzhov / Shutterstock.

Collecting physical stamps or tokens was the best way to be a smart shopper and make some savings. Sadly, we’ve got so many digital deals and apps that licking a stamp to save a dime seems pretty bizarre. Even so, for those people who do remember, having a booklet of saved stamps meant you were a cut above the rest.

Understanding Morse Code

Editorial credit: LoudPhoto / Shutterstock.

Knowing Morse code was seriously cool, especially if you were in the military or ham radio because it gave you a way to be in the now. It’s not something people really use as much anymore as we’ve got much higher-tech ways of communicating. But it’s still a novelty that does come in useful during a blackout.

Joining Civic Groups

Editorial credit: Michelle Baumbach / Shutterstock.

If you wanted to make a connection with people and give back to your community, you’d join a group like the Rotary Club. Don’t get us wrong, civic groups are still important, but they’re not going to improve your resume in the same way that they did before. Instead, online networking has taken the lead.

Using a Day Planner

Editorial credit: TippaPatt / Shutterstock.

Anyone who had a day planner was on top of their game because it meant they were organized and ready to take on the world. It seems a little strange now because we’ve got our phones to keep us organized while that old planner’s gathering dust. Even so, there’s something so satisfying about crossing out our to-do list on paper.

Drinking Black Coffee

Editorial credit: Photoongraphy / Shutterstock.

Of course, people still drink black coffee today, but there was once a time when it was the tough, no-nonsense choice for workers everywhere. These days, people would rather have vanilla shots or pumpkin spices than a proper cup of joe. Straight black? That’s just for the purists among us, even though it has plenty of health benefits.

Carrying a Handkerchief

Editorial credit: Serhii Khomiak / Shutterstock.

Want to look prepared and polite? Then you’d carry a handkerchief. Although tissues make things a lot quicker and easier, there’s still something so classy about carrying a handkerchief. Plus, it’s eco-friendly and stylish in a retro kind of way, even though using tissues means you don’t have to stuff them back in your pocket.

Wearing Gloves in Public

Editorial credit: Victoria Chudinova / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, wearing gloves was a sign of sophistication, especially for women who were going to social events. In today’s world, they’re just practical for staying warm or spruce up the house. But even now, slipping on a stylish pair can make a simple winter outfit look even better. Clearly, some classics never truly lose their charm.

Knowing How to Waltz

Editorial credit: Artur Didyk / Shutterstock.

If you were going to a gala or ball, the waltz was the one dance you needed to know to impress other people. That’s not to say people don’t still do it, although it’ll only be for a special kind of classy event. Instead, you’re more likely to see people doing viral dance moves on social media than on the dancefloor.

Addressing People by Mr./Mrs.

Editorial credit: Conway Photography / Shutterstock.

Using Mr. or Mrs. to address someone wasn’t just respected back then, it was the norm. It didn’t matter who you were talking to because you had to use these terms until they told you otherwise. In today’s world, first names rule, and we’d much rather be more relaxed about how we talk to people.

Manners and Etiquette

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/ Shutterstock.

Similarly, knowing your manners and following proper etiquette were essential social skills that showed you were polite and respectful. Nowadays, technology has changed the way we communicate and made us much more informal. It’s made those old-school manners seem a little outdated.

Formal Dinner Sets

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, owning a complete set of formal dinnerware guaranteed you a high spot on the social ladder. It showed other people you were ready to host elegant dinner parties and entertain your guests in style. In today’s world, casual dining is the norm, and formal dinnerware sets are more like collectibles. After all, who needs fine china when you can have pizza on paper plates?


Editorial credit: RedStock/ Shutterstock.

We used to care so much more about respecting our elders, mostly because of the wisdom and experience that comes with age. Unfortunately, our fast-paced modern world has meant that youth culture takes center stage now. That natural respect for our elders has pretty much faded as we care a lot more about younger people instead.


Editorial credit: Algernon77 / Shutterstock.

In the past, having good elocution made you quite literally the talk of the town because everyone admired your silky-smooth speech and powerful delivery. But with everyone texting and talking online, those golden vocal cords aren’t a big deal anymore. Of course, there are times when it comes in handy, like during a job interview, but nobody really cares during everyday conversations.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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