18 Reasons Why Firearms Are Gaining Popularity Among Seniors - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Why Firearms Are Gaining Popularity Among Seniors

Have you noticed that many more people in their golden years have chosen to have a gun handy? It’s not just your imagination, as more seniors are indeed buying guns than ever before. What’s going on? Let’s take a look at 18 reasons why elderly Americans are arming up.

Feeling Safe At Home

Editorial credit: AJR_photo / Shutterstock.

Many seniors feel more vulnerable than the rest of us, and buying a gun helps them feel a lot safer, especially if they live alone. Older people still want to have control over their own homes and be independent. In some cases, buying a gun can help them feel a sense of comfort that they can’t get elsewhere.

Target Practice

Editorial credit:CharlieBoyterYoung/ Shutterstock.

Who said retirement has to be boring? Many seniors are getting into shooting as a sport because shooting ranges can be a good place for them to meet other people and have a good mind. Plus, shooting is a hobby that’s good for your mind and can keep your mind active, too, which is particularly important for older people.

New Hobbies

Editorial credit: UfaBizPhoto / Shutterstock.

Similarly, when you retire, you’ve got a lot of free time, and for some older people, this means picking up a new hobby. Of course, guns aren’t everyone’s first choice, but some seniors enjoy the challenge that comes from learning how to use a gun. They’re learning new skills they might not get from elsewhere.

Family Treasures

Editorial credit: Dmitry Markov152 / Shutterstock.

For some seniors, owning a firearm helps them stay connected to their family history. Getting a nice piece today means having an heirloom to pass down to the grandkids. It’s the best kind of heirloom, too, because it has its own stories and memories. It becomes an item for future generations to remember their grandparents by.

Wildlife Worries

Editorial credit: Cristina RasoBoluda / Shutterstock.

Living out in the sticks means that you might have to deal with all kinds of pests, like bears or coyotes. A firearm can give you that peace of mind, knowing you can protect yourself when Mother Nature gets too close for comfort. It’s not something many city dwellers will think about, but it’s a reality for older people who live in rural areas.

Fighting Crime

Editorial credit: Jan Mika / Shutterstock.

Crime rates are increasing across certain areas in America, and many seniors don’t want to just sit back. They’re taking matters into their own hands by owning a gun so they’ll feel protected, especially when the evening news gets a little scary. For these seniors, having a firearm will keep them safe and stop them being so vulnerable to crime.

The Second Amendment

Editorial credit: zimmytws/ Shutterstock.

Forget about protection because some seniors care just as much about principles. A lot of older people value their constitutional rights, and buying a gun is their way of standing with the Second Amendment. They want to show how much they care about their personal freedoms and believe getting a gun is the way to do this.

Keeping Up With the Joneses

Editorial credit: Jan Mika / Shutterstock.

Sometimes, it’s just a matter of fitting in. If you move to a place where lots of your neighbors own guns, then getting one yourself just feels like the right thing to do. Many older people enjoy the sense of being part of a community, which usually means taking part in the customs that other people do, too.

The Nostalgia Factor

Editorial credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock.

Plenty of older people love history, and that includes historical firearms. They love collecting and learning about different models because they each have their own story to tell. Owning a gun can feel like you’ve got a piece of history right in your hands, which can help these seniors feel a connection to the past.

Gun Safety Classes

Editorial credit: MAD.vertise / Shutterstock.

Today, there are more gun safety classes for seniors than ever before. This makes it a lot easier to own a gun with confidence. After all, knowing how to get a gun safely makes the whole idea of owning one a lot more appealing, and these classes are pretty important for people who care a lot about their safety. 

Politics and Protection

Editorial credit: Zerbor / Shutterstock.

Some older people are buying guns now because they’re worried they might not be able to do so in the future. After all, who knows what new laws might come up that restrict people’s right to guns? These older people think that getting a gun now is a practical way to protect any rights they could end up losing.

Feeling Fit and Ready

Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

Since healthcare has improved quite a bit, many seniors are feeling healthier than ever. Some of them might’ve ignored firearms in the past because they physically weren’t capable of owning but now, being in good health allows them to follow their dreams. They’re mentally and physically prepared to actually own one.

Improvements in Technology

Editorial credit: Cristina RasoBoluda / Shutterstock.

Improvements in technology have meant that today’s guns are much lighter and easier to use than the ones from the past. This makes them a good match for any older people who feel worried about having something too heavy or complicated. They can enjoy shooting without all that hassle and stress.

Direct Marketing

Editorial credit: damann / Shutterstock.

Gun shops and manufacturers know their audience pretty well, and they’ve been targeting seniors with their adverts for a while. These ads usually highlight the benefits of owning a gun for security and safety, which can be pretty persuasive. Soon enough, the decision to get a gun seems more appropriate than ever for some older people.

The Media’s Influence

Editorial credit: Oleksii Synelnykov / Shutterstock.

Likewise, our media often talks about the role that firearms can play in personal and home defense. Many older people spend a good chunk of their time consuming this content, which can be quite influential on their attitudes toward owning a gun. They become more aware of safety guns and the practical side of having a firearm, which usually makes them think about getting one.

Dealing With Loss

Editorial credit: AJR_photo / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that losing a partner is tough, and for some seniors, buying a firearm means they can take charge of their safety. Their partner might’ve helped them feel safe, and getting a gun can help them feel this way once again. It’s something that helps them rebuild a sense of control and security in their daily lives.

The Great Outdoors

Editorial credit: HildeAnna / Shutterstock.

Lots of older people enjoy the great outdoors and hiking or simply spending time in nature. For these adventures, a firearm is something that can keep you safe from any natural threats. Getting a gun means they can still take part in these adventures without having to stay indoors because they’re worried about their safety.

More Responsibility

Editorial credit: Ollinka / Shutterstock.

Of course, owning a gun comes with a lot of responsibility, and that’s something many seniors really care about. They like that sense of duty because it gives them a sense of self-worth that can be pretty hard to get when you’re older. Research shows that retiring can make you feel useless, so owning a gun sometimes gives seniors a sense of purpose again.

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