18 Signs It’s Time for Boomers to Give Up Driving - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Signs It’s Time for Boomers to Give Up Driving

Getting older comes with plenty of perks, like senior discounts, but it also brings some tough choices. One decision that’s not so easy is knowing when to stop driving. Driving gives you a sense of freedom but also a huge responsibility, so let’s look at 18 signs that you or a loved one needs to hand over their keys.

Difficulty Judging Traffic Gaps

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

If you’re struggling to judge the distance between yourself and the car ahead, that could be a sign that your depth perception isn’t doing so well. This can make those quick decisions on the road a little difficult, especially when you’re changing lanes or merging into traffic. Cars suddenly popping nowhere could mean you should leave the driving to someone else.

Losing Focus

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Long drives can be a real test of concentration, so daydreaming or forgetting the last few miles could mean your focus isn’t what it used to be. You need to be able to stay sharp so you can react to what’s happening on the road. If your focus is slipping, then perhaps you should think about other ways to travel instead.

Too Much GPS

Editorial credit: SAHACHATZ / Shutterstock.

There’s nothing wrong with relying on technology now and again, but there is if you’re using your GPS for trips to places you’ve been a hundred times. It could mean that your memory or sense of direction isn’t what it once was. You should be able to go down familiar routes without any help.

Those “Whoops” Moments

Editorial credit: SHISANUPONG1986 / Shutterstock.

Almost accidents or those “whoops” moments when you slam the brakes just in time are scary. When those close feel like they’re happening more often, your reaction time or driving judgment might be failing. It’s a big red flag that driving may not be so safe for you anymore, and you should perhaps hand the wheel to someone else.

Blurry Road Signs

Editorial credit: FocusDzign / Shutterstock.

Being unable to read road signs or catching them too late is a huge problem, as good vision is essential when you’re behind the wheel. If that sounds like you, then your eyes might be telling you it’s time to look at other transport options. Being unable to see what’s ahead clearly or misreading traffic signals increases the risk of accidents, which is dangerous for everyone.

Messing With Controls

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You used to be able to turn on the turn signal or adjust the radio without a second thought. But now? Not so much. When these simple tasks become difficult or even confusing, it can take your focus off the road, which is a huge problem. You may not be able to manage more complicated situations that require quick thinking and coordination.

Driving Makes You Grumpy

Editorial credit: AYO Production / Shutterstock.

If you find yourself more irritable or stressed when you’re driving, listen to those feelings. They could be signs from your brain that driving is more of a burden than a breeze, which may mean you should look at other transport options. Being stressed on the road affects your mood and how safely you can operate a vehicle.

Suggestions From Friends and Family

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

People around you may notice that you should step back from driving, and they might start telling you. After all, they’ll notice things you don’t, and as hard as it sounds, sometimes we need to hear these things from other people before we see them ourselves. They’ve got an outsider’s perspective and will see changes in your driving habits.

Mystery Mistakes

Editorial credit: ThamKC / Shutterstock.

Finding new dings or dents on your car that you don’t remember getting could be a sign of minor mistakes you’re not aware of. It’s easy to miss things that happen quickly or in tight stops, and when they happen frequently, it suggests that driving has become too dangerous for you. More wear and tear on your car means your driving skills aren’t what they used to be.

Slow Reactions

Editorial credit: Toa55 / Shutterstock.

As a driver, you need to be able to react suddenly to things like pedestrians running across the road. If your reactions feel slower, trust that instinct because it could mean your driving has become sluggish. Delayed reactions massively increase your risk of accidents, especially in places where you’re driving fast.

Nervous at Night

Editorial credit: Standret / Shutterstock.

It’s normal to feel a little nervous driving after dark, but it shouldn’t be overwhelming. Struggling to see or being blinded by other cars’ headlights are problems that get worse with age, so it might be best to avoid them by driving less overall. After all, do you really want to put your safety and other people’s safety at risk?

Worried About Weather

Editorial credit: Marco Rubino / Shutterstock.

Similarly, when bad weather makes you completely avoid the driving seat, it’s a sign that driving is becoming more stressful and less safe. You have to listen to your instincts. Bad weather conditions mean that your driving skills have to be top-notch, so if you’re up to the challenge, you should stay off the road.

Using Coping Strategies

Editorial credit: Song_about_summer / Shutterstock.

You might even have coping methods that you’re not aware of, like only driving at times with little traffic or sticking to roads you’ve been down many times before. This suggests you’re not confident with your driving and have underlying issues. There’s no point in feeling uncomfortable in the driver’s seat.

Hard Hearing

Editorial Credit: thodonal88 / Shutterstock.

Hearing is also important when you’re driving, so being unable to hear the ambulance behind you or the car horn from the guy you just cut off is a bad sign. If you’re missing these sounds, you’re also missing important cues that keep everyone safe on the road. Your sense of hearing is just as important as your sense of sight.

New Diagnosis

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Getting diagnosed with a new health issue like diabetes or a heart condition can directly affect your driving. This could mean that your mind and body aren’t as good as they used to be, which could stop you from making safe driving decisions. Certain medications can also slow your reaction times and alertness, which is never a good thing.

Confused at Traffic Lights

Editorial credit: ako photography / Shutterstock.

Are you stopping at green lights or maybe driving through red ones? Mixing up traffic signals is a serious safety issue that could lead to all kinds of dangerous situations on the road. When traffic signals start to confuse you, your ability to process and react in real-time has declined. You should probably avoid driving.

More Traffic Tickets

Editorial credit: V.Baturin / Shutterstock.

One of the most obvious signs that you should give up driving is if you’re collecting traffic tickets more often than usual. Law enforcement notices your mistakes for a reason, and an increase in traffic tickets suggests you should rethink your driving habits. It may be time to hand the keys to somebody else.

Doubtful Driving

Editorial credit: mapo_japan / Shutterstock.

If there’s a little voice inside you that’s getting louder and questioning your driving skills, it might be onto something. Self-doubt can be a healthy warning from your subconscious that your road skills aren’t as good anymore. You should trust these feelings because they can help you make safer decisions about when, or even if, you should drive.

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