How Biden’s Lead Ammo Ban Could Spell Doom For People’s Rights - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

How Biden’s Lead Ammo Ban Could Spell Doom For People’s Rights

President Biden’s administration recently announced that they’re planning to stop people using lead bullets on federal lands managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Some people believe this might be the start of a nationwide ban on lead ammo. If this happens, it could be bad news for both hunters and gun owners alike.

Previous Lead Ammo Bans

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This isn’t the first time the federal government has tried to limit lead bullets. During Obama’s presidency, the EPA tried to do the same, although it was eventually unable to do so. Today, the Fish and Wildlife Service is the one trying to create this ban, and its main goal is to keep our environment and animals safe.

Waterfowl and Federal Land

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Using lead ammunition is already illegal on all federal land if you’re hunting waterfowl. This legislation has existed for a while, and it is meant to reduce the lead poisoning of aquatic and predatory birds. These animals might accidentally swallow pieces of lead when they’re eating dead animals shot by hunters.

The Effect on Wildlife

Editorial credit: Vadim Petrakov/ Shutterstock.

Currently, there’s no agreement on whether lead bullets can actually damage wildlife. Most scientists believe that it can be bad, although not everyone’s convinced. Some opponents of the lead bullet ban argue that we need to do more research into the effects of these bullets before making a final decision.

Population-Level Impact

Editorial credit: The Old Major / Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, lead doesn’t simply hurt individual animals, as it can affect the entire population. One study found that bald eagles, even though they’re no longer endangered, still suffer from lead exposure. Eating dead animals shot with lead bullets can slow the bald eagle’s population growth by approximately 4-6%.

Lead-Free and Healthy

Editorial Credit: Tanes Ngamsom / Shutterstock.

Keeping lead out of our forests and fields would also lead to cleaner land for all. Preventing toxins from leaking into our soil and waterways would help make land safer for future generations. Lead is extremely toxic, so reducing the amount of it around could improve things for everyone. 

Wildlife Conservation

Editorial credit: Wilkopix/ Shutterstock.

Using non-toxic ammunition would also protect scavengers that ingest lead from carcasses left by hunters. It would also stop aquatic ecosystems from being contaminated, as lead ammo can gather in these kinds of places. This would help the environment and our world as a whole, which is always a good thing.

No More Outdoor Hunting

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This lead bullet ban could seriously affect people’s ability to hunt and go sports shooting. If the law passes, some of the best places on federal land could soon be off-limits for lead ammo. Many hunters are against the ban because they believe they will no longer be able to hunt where they want.

Gun Rights and Green Goals

Editorial credit: AndriiKoval / Shutterstock.

Other people against this ban believe that it’s a step too far because it violates the Second Amendment. They argue that every American has a right to bear arms, and that includes lead bullets. It’s clear that any changes in the law need to respect gun owners’ rights and Mother Nature.

Beyond the Hunt

Editorial credit: Lana U / Shutterstock.

Similarly, other opponents of the law claim there is real money on the line. They believe that limiting people’s access to lead bullets could seriously affect local shops and national manufacturers. This could also hurt the outdoor sports economy, which would affect everyone, including policymakers and people at the local gun club.

Further Legal Challenges

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Of course, this won’t be an easy decision, as there is a legal battle ahead for Biden and his administration. Pro-gun groups and some important lawmakers have said they are planning to fight the ban because they believe it’s government overreach. This could lead to changes in the rules about what and where you can shoot.

Lawmakers Respond

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Harriet Hageman is a Wyoming congresswoman who supported a bill against the ban. In a statement, she said, “This time, the attack is on the Second Amendment. Joe Biden’s government overreach must be stopped. […] Sadly, this legislation [against the ban] is necessary because of the Biden administration’s repeated attempts to unconstitutionally create law via bureaucrats issuing ‘rules and guidance’ circumventing Congress.”

The Need for Education

Editorial credit: Mikkel H. Petersen / Shutterstock.

It’s also important for hunters and sports shooters to understand the different ammunition options out there. This could help them to make more informed choices both at the gun shop and at the ballot box. Research shows that Republican voters are far more likely to own guns than Democrats.

Lead Ammo Substitutes

Editorial credit: PingPong56 / Shutterstock.

Of course, it’s impossible to completely substitute lead bullets, but some alternatives have almost the same effect. For example, tungsten, steel, and bismuth bullets can work almost the same way as lead bullets. One study also found that these alternative bullets don’t affect people’s enjoyment or their ability to hunt.

Other Lead-Shot Technology

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Technology has also improved the effectiveness of non-lead shotgun bullets. Biodegradable wads and better-quality metal shots mean that many of these bullets match the performance of traditional lead bullets. This could help people to keep shooting without losing any of the quality or effectiveness of bullets that many hunters expect.

Economic Factors

Editorial credit: vitma / Shutterstock.

Currently, the initial cost of non-lead ammunition tends to be higher, but the overall market trends suggest that prices are becoming more competitive. Demand for alternative bullets will likely increase as non-lead technology gets better. This could make them cheaper and a better option for hunters.

What the World Thinks

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Other countries have dealt with the lead ammo problem in different ways. Lead bullets are banned in the wetlands of all European Union countries because of the damage they cause to humans and wildlife. Similar laws exist in Norway, Lichtenstein, and Iceland, although several countries still legalize these bullets.

State Restrictions

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Some states already have different restrictions on lead ammunition, especially in vulnerable environments like wetlands. In areas with endangered animals, like the California Condor, laws are even stricter. In California, for example, some laws require hunters to use non-toxic ammunition for all hunting. 

Local Wildlife Management

Editorial credit: Maridav / Shutterstock.

The effect of lead poisoning can vary by region, so it’s important for policies to manage certain areas specifically. For example, in places where there is a lot of wildlife, local wildlife agencies need to manage the problem themselves. This could include educational programs to teach people about using non-lead ammunition.

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