18 Everyday Situations Where Boomers Outsmart Younger Generations - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Everyday Situations Where Boomers Outsmart Younger Generations

Although boomers might be older, they’re doing a lot better than millennials in a bunch of ways. They’re able to deal with life’s little challenges in ways that millennials could never imagine. Let’s take a look at 18 ways that boomers are completely outsmarting the younger generations.

More Minimalism

Editorial credit: Pinkystock / Shutterstock.

Boomers understood the importance of ditching the extra clutter long before it became a trendy hashtag. They’re selling off bits they don’t need and giving away others because they know the freedom that comes with less. And honestly, who wouldn’t want to have less stuff to clean and more room for activities?

Smart Investing

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Boomers know how to play the long game by investing their money smartly. They’ve seen markets go up and down, which means many of them have a talent for picking portfolios that do well over time. While some of us are just beginning to explore stocks or crypto, boomers know how to make the right choices with their real estate and bonds.

The Green Touch

Editorial credit: wertinio / Shutterstock.

If you’re looking for a generation with the green touch, then boomers are it. It doesn’t matter if it’s veggies or flowers because boomers know how to grow their own little Edens. They understand that gardening helps them cut down on their grocery bills while also getting fresh meals.

Cooking From Scratch

Editorial credit: Just Life / Shutterstock.

Similarly, most younger generations know how to make microwave meals, but they’ve got no idea about home-cooked meals. But boomers can make dishes from scratch, which tastes way better and can save you some money. It’s also a lot healthier, and this is something they understand pretty well.

Fast Fashion

Editorial credit: Uuganbayar / Shutterstock.

Unlike other generations, boomers aren’t slaves to fashion trends because they prefer classic styles. They understand the importance of quality over quantity, and that’s why their clothes last for ages. It’s a pretty smart move because they can avoid those mad shopping sprees and do their bit for their planet, all while saving some money.

Second-Hand Stuff

Editorial credit: gabriel12 / Shutterstock.

So where do older generations get their clothes from? Thrift stores. Boomers can spot a bargain there from a mile away. They know the value of gently used items, and they’re happy to buy second-hand because they know it can save them some cash. Honestly, what could be better than that?

Community Engagement

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

Boomers are experts at real-world social networking, and they’ll really get stuck into local activities. They’ll show up at community events to volunteer because it keeps them social and also helps them stay connected with what’s happening around them. Most younger generations miss all of this because they’re stuck in their digital bubbles.

Practical DIY Skills

Editorial credit: monte_a / Shutterstock.

If you need to fix a leaky faucet or patch up a wall, then you might want to call a boomer. They know all about DIY, and they can fix all kinds of things around the house without needing to get in the pros. Research shows that fixing things yourself can save you a bunch of money, and there’s also priceless satisfaction of a job well done.

Time Management

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Since they had to juggle work and family in an era before cell phones, boomers have gotten pretty good at managing their time. Forget about setting timers or schedules because they’re absolute experts at staying on task. This means they’re able to get more done and seem less rushed than younger generations, even when they’re super busy.

Getting an Antique

Editorial credit: Gonzo_070 / Shutterstock.

Many boomers care a lot about antiques and understand the stories behind vintage items. You’ll usually see them at estate sales and auctions, where they’ll pick up unique pieces that millennials don’t even notice. This way, they can turn simple decor pieces for their homes into a profitable hobby.


Editorial credit: YAKOBCHUK-VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock.

Boomers remember a time when everything was analog, not digital, and this has given them a better vocabulary and talent for expressing themselves. They can communicate clearly and persuasively without needing to ask Siri for help. It gives them an edge in all kinds of conversations, whether that’s with customer service agents or just in the office.

Health Management

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

This generation is usually well aware of their health, thanks to their regular doctor visits. They’re pretty serious about checking their medical history, and this helps them stay healthy by catching any potential issues early. They’re also more used to dealing with the healthcare system effectively, which they do with ease.

Different Hobbies

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Most boomers know the value of a good book, and they’ve got a huge variety of hobbies that don’t cost a lot but give them a ton of joy. They understand just how peaceful a fishing trip can be and how fun a local market is. They’re able to stay active and engaged with the world around them, minus the huge price tag.

Energy Efficiency

Editorial credit: eggeegg / Shutterstock.

You might think that only younger generations care about the environment, but that’s not true. Boomers remember how terrible the energy crises were in the past, and they’re usually pretty careful about saving energy. After all, they’re the ones turning off lights when they leave the room and turning down the thermostat before bed.

Bargaining Skills

Editorial credit: Pressmaster / Shutterstock.

It doesn’t matter if it’s at a garage sale or a car dealership because boomers have negotiation down to a tee. It all comes down to them knowing the real value of a dollar, which has made them confident about haggling to get a price that makes sense. It’s a skill that saves them money and, sometimes, gets them some pretty awesome deals.

Loyalty Programs

Editorial credit: Panchenko Vladimir / Shutterstock.

At practically every store, you’ll see those registration forms asking you to become a member. While most of us think they’re annoying, boomers know how to rack up points on these programs to cash in on discounts and freebies that we overlook. They stretch their budgets without needing to put in much more effort.

Budgeting Skills

Editorial credit: Kemal Taner / Shutterstock.

Boomers have been managing household budgets since before many of us were born, and they’ve found ways to stretch their dollars without feeling the pinch. They can make a budget and stick to it by couponing or even planning meals that make leftovers taste exciting. They really know how to make the most of their money.

Early Birds

Editorial credit: Photo_imagery / Shutterstock.

While millennials are just starting to think about lunch, boomers are already enjoying their dinner. They get great deals on meals by avoiding the evening crowds and getting the best deals before they sell out. Eating earlier is a smart move for your money and your mind, and it’s something boomers do without thinking.

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