25 Things Broke People Somehow Find the Money to Buy - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Things Broke People Somehow Find the Money to Buy

Even when budgets are tight, there are some things that broke people always manage to have enough money for. And today, we’re looking at 25 of them. Just remember that we’re not judging anyone who buys any of these, as it’s all just a bit of fun.

Fast Food Deals

Editorial credit: Kzenon / Shutterstock.

It’s pretty hard to pass up those dollar menu deals, especially when your wallet’s thin. Grabbing a quick bite from a fast-food joint doesn’t feel like you’re spending a lot since it’s fast and easy. And sometimes, it even comes with a free toy for the kids. It’s a small way to make yourself feel better without feeling too much of the pinch.

Lottery Dream

Editorial credit: alisafarov / Shutterstock.

A lottery ticket’s just a couple of bucks, right? It’s the hope of getting a huge pile of cash that keeps people coming back for more, especially when they’re stuck financially. Plus, dreaming about hitting it big can be a fun escape from the day-to-day grind, so it’s no wonder it’s become a weekly tradition for so many people.

Off-Brand Bargains

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

There’s no point paying more when you get it for less, so people with less money will often go for generic brands at the grocery store. After all, they’re usually just as good as the big names and can mean you end up saving a dollar or two. It really adds up, and these alternatives are a great choice for anyone keeping an eye on their spending.

Prepaid Mobile Plans

Editorial credit: Pheelings media / Shutterstock.

Locked-in contracts? No thanks. Prepaid cell phones give you control over your phone expenses without the surprise bills, making it perfect for anyone who wants to keep things in check. It’s a smart move for keeping in touch without the financial headache of a pricey monthly bill.

Thrift Store

Editorial credit: gabriel12 / Shutterstock.

Fashion doesn’t have to cost a fortune, and thrift stores can be a great place to pick up some vintage or lightly worn clothes for cheap. They’ll improve your wardrobe for a fraction of the price of going to a mall. And best of all? Each piece has its own story and history that you can become a part of.

Transit Tickets

Editorial credit: Try_my_best / Shutterstock.

When owning a car becomes too expensive, public transit is the next big thing. Those monthly passes are lifesavers because they’ll get you everywhere you need to go but without the gas bills or drama of finding somewhere to park. You’ll also get to help the environment, making it a true win-win.

Over-the-Counter Remedies

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Some broke people skip the doctor and go straight to the pharmacy because over-the-counter meds can sort pretty much anything out. It’s a pretty easy fix for any common illness, and it’ll also save you some time by keeping you out of the waiting room. But for anything more than a headache, you should probably see a professional.

Budget-Friendly Fun

Editorial credit: Linaimages / Shutterstock.

You don’t need to spend a bundle to have fun because there are so many ways of staying entertained without emptying your wallet. For example, you can try using a free trial for streaming services or going to matinee movie showings. All you need to do is find the best deals and the willpower to make smart choices.

Energy Boost

Editorial credit: DavideAngelini / Shutterstock.

We all need a kickstart when we’ve got a long day, and energy drinks are many people’s preferred choice. Yes, they’re not exactly the healthiest choice, but they’ll definitely help you power through a double shift or late-night study session. When you need a little extra to keep you going on the cheap, a quick energy shot can do the trick.

Daily Brew

Editorial credit: Alina Rosanova/Shutterstock.

And speaking of energy, that morning cup of coffee from your favorite coffee spot is comfort in a mug, Many people will budget for this daily treat because it’s a small pleasure that makes mornings a little more bearable. It’s also a great way to ease into the day, especially when the rest of it looks busy.

Furry Friends

Editorial credit: aonip / Shutterstock.

Pets are part of the family, and that means not ignoring their needs, even when money’s tight. It doesn’t matter if it’s dog food or kitty litter because pet owners make sure their furry friends are well taken care of. After all, pets make everything better, and people will always find room to keep their four-legged buddies happy and healthy.

Beauty Basics

Editorial credit: Photoroyalty / Shutterstock.

It’s a fact that looking good helps you feel good, and science backs that up. That’s why even those on a budget might splurge on some basic beauty products or a haircut because they want to feel confident and ready to face the world. A little grooming can go a long way to help you feel positive about yourself.

Winding Down At the Weekend

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

Many people are willing to budget for the small luxury of a bottle of wine or a few beers on a Friday night. It’s the start of the weekend, and it’s a great break from the weekly routine. Unwinding like this helps people celebrate small victories and relax in a way that sets the tone for a chill weekend.

Smoke Breaks

Editorial credit: elwynn / Shutterstock.

Yes, cigarettes can be an expensive habit, but smokers see it as being necessary. It’s not easy to give up, and when they feel stressed, it’s a comfort that some of them aren’t ready to let go. So, they’ll make room in their budget to keep the habit alive, even if it’s not exactly good for them.

Sweet Treats

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Everyone loves a little sugar rush now and then, whether it’s with candy bars or ice cream. It’s the little pleasures, like eating your favorite snack, that can brighten up your day for just a little cash or at least make your routine feel a little special. Why wouldn’t you want to feel a little happier?

Pantry Staples

Editorial credit: Pipas Imagery / Shutterstock.

There’s no rush like getting a good deal, and that’s why some money-conscious people will fill their pantries with canned goods and frozen meals. These essentials last forever and they’re usually on sale, so when you stack your shelves, you’re saving yourself from countless trips o to the store. And it’s even better on those lazy days.

Emergency Cash

Editorial credit: dcwcreations / Shutterstock.

When you’re low on money and payday’s a world away, small personal loans can be a real lifesaver. They help you to deal with those sudden bills you always seem to get when you’re running out of cash. Many people will use payday loans or tap into a credit line to manage these situations, though they’re not always the best choice.

Connected at Home

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

These days, having a strong internet connection at home is an absolute must because you’ll need it for almost everything. Catching up on work? You’ll use the internet. Making sure the kids do their homework? Yes, you’ll need good WiFi. Even if money’s tight, a lot of people will make sure they’ve got enough to cover these bills before anything else.


Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

If you’ve got the right tools and a bit of know-how, you’ll be able to fix things around your home for yourself, which can save you some serious cash down the road. You also get the feeling of being able to solve problems with your own hands. Rolling up your sleeves to do it will save you the time and cost of waiting around for expensive help.

Mobile Apps

Editorial credit: panuwat phimpha / Shutterstock.

You’d be surprised at how many free or low-cost apps people manage to scoop up. Some of them are for managing finances, while others might be for meditation or even just playing games. Either way, there’s an app for pretty much everything, and some broke people won’t mind paying for them.

Cheap Plane Tickets

Editorial credit: Denys Kurbatov / Shutterstock.

Even on a shoestring budget, people love a good getaway by keeping an eye out for flash sales or ultra-cheap fare. They make travel a lot more accessible, as long as you’ve got good timing and flexibility. You can easily snatch up deals that won’t break the bank for a quick weekend trip or a visit to friends and family.

Discounted Events Tickets

Editorial credit: aceshot1 / Shutterstock.

You can always have fun for a pretty low price if you’re careful when buying discount tickets for concerts or sports events. Apps like Groupon usually have some good deals, while last-minute deals can be a lifesaver. Scoring these deals means being able to experience the thrill of live music or cheering on your favorite team without draining your wallet.

Second-Hand Electronics

Editorial credit: BestPhotoPlus / Shutterstock.

Many budget-conscious people will pick up second-hand smartphones or tablets from resell platforms like eBay or Craigslist. Why? This way, they can be part of the tech game and stay connected without the high cost of brand-new devices. It’s also a pretty good way to recycle and reduce waste.

Public Library Membership

Editorial credit: Popartic / Shutterstock.

Who says you need to buy books or movies when you’ve got a local library? A lot of people on a tight budget will make the most of free library memberships by borrowing the latest bestsellers or blockbuster films. They’ve also got free internet access and educational programs to keep your mind and wallet happy.

Meal Planning Services

Editorial credit: Nejron Photo/ Shutterstock.

Even when they don’t have a lot to spend, people find ways to eat healthy without spending a fortune. Many of them will turn to affordable meal planning services to stretch their grocery dollars by planning meals around sales and season produce. Add in those digital coupons, and you’ll get meals that make every penny count.

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