Boomers’ Retirement Hopes Dashed by Financial Insecurity, Report Reveals - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

Boomers’ Retirement Hopes Dashed by Financial Insecurity, Report Reveals

For many baby boomers, the golden years aren’t looking so golden anymore, as many don’t have enough saved away for retirement. This lack of funds will almost certainly cause them trouble in the future. Let’s find out what’s happening.

A Look at the Savings Gap

Editorial credit: Andrii Yalanskyi / Shutterstock.

The Retirement Income Institute’s recent report revealed that over 50% of baby boomers have less than $250,000 in savings for retirement. While this might sound like a lot, it’s much less than the $1.5 million people apparently need for a comfortable retirement. $250,000 by itself simply isn’t enough to cover things.

The Daily Grind With Social Security

Editorial credit: J.J. Gouin / Shutterstock.

Social Security is an absolute necessity for many retirees, but it barely covers the basics. These checks are usually just enough for groceries and utilities, but that’s about it. Social Security is just enough to stop many retirees from falling into financial freefall, which means that every cent truly does count.

More Questions Than Answers

Editorial credit: Bacho / Shutterstock.

The average Social Security check is $1,907, although some economists predict that these funds will disappear by around 2033. This uncertainty is causing more problems for retirees, and many of them are looking for alternative income sources or financial planning strategies. They hope that these will protect them against future earnings loss.

Not Enough Money

Editorial credit: metodej / Shutterstock.

In some cases, retirees receive little more than $1,000 a month from Social Security, which just isn’t cutting it. The thought of working again has become a real possibility for many retirees, but with no savings left and health issues, working could become a necessity. If retirees get sick or unexpected expenses crop up, the problem will worsen.

Far Away

Editorial credit: Oleg Elkov/ Shutterstock.

It’s even worse for retirees living further out of the cities, as jobs are scarce. Many retirees have been out of work for many different reasons, which means money is tighter than ever. The isolation makes things even more difficult because these retirees have limited access to services and amenities that could help ease their struggles. 

The Employment Dilemma

Editorial credit: Kleber Cordeiro / Shutterstock.

As we age, our bodies change, which means traditional jobs where you stand for long hours aren’t possible anymore. Retirees need a job that fits their physical limits or is willing to accommodate their needs. This means the possibility of working in retail or fast food simply doesn’t exist.

A Wake-Up Call

Editorial credit: Paul Burr/ Shutterstock.

Clearly, the retirement crisis isn’t far off, but it’s actually something real and happening right now. Boomers are hitting retirement age and finding that their savings aren’t near the figures they hoped for. Many of them are reaching out to friends and family to make ends meet. 

Over the Poverty Line

Editorial credit: ElenaYakimova / Shutterstock.

The census shows over half of seniors make less than $30,000 a year. This is barely above the poverty line, which is between $12,880 for a single-person household and $26,500 for a 4-person household. Unfortunately, with how things are going, it doesn’t look like things will improve for them anytime soon.

Peak Boomers

Editorial credit: Nestor Rizhniak/ Shutterstock.

This year’s 65-year-olds, the peak boomers, are some of the ones struggling the most, as they’re the last group to have had the old-school pensions. Now, they’re dealing with the uncertainty of how far their 401(k)s will stretch, which is more difficult than you might think. Many have been forced to rethink their finances or even do part-time jobs to cover the bills.

Rising Debt

Editorial credit: William Potter / Shutterstock.

For those with limited or no savings, going into debt is the only way to keep up with daily expenses. As you might imagine, it’s not exactly what many people had in mind for their retirement years. The stress of this rising debt is real, and it will only cause more issues for retirees further down the line.

The Food Pantry 

Editorial credit: Brian Goodman / Shutterstock.

Some retirees are turning to food pantries to survive because their SNAP benefits don’t even cover a day’s meals. They must rely heavily on local food banks to help bridge the gap. These visits also allow retirees to connect with other people in similar situations and share ways to make the most of their pantry haul.

Healthcare Hurdles

Editorial credit: Alexander Raths / Shutterstock.

In other cases, health issues have made financial issues worse. Medicare gaps and a lack of Medicaid mean many retirees face tough choices with limited resources. They may have to negotiate payments with their providers or at least find cheaper treatment alternatives that still offer the care they need.

The Challenge of Finding Help

Editorial credit: Bignai/ Shutterstock.

Even though they’re in a difficult situation, many retirees don’t qualify for most aid programs because they are targeted at families with kids. Many are forced to contact other organizations for help, although there’s no guarantee that these will be successful either. Clearly, more needs to be done to address this growing problem.

Changes in Pension

Editorial credit: Andrii Yalanskyi / Shutterstock.

Moving from reliable government pensions to less reliable 401(k)s has caused problems for many older adults. This is a big change with even bigger consequences for their financial health, and some retirees believe their lives would be better if the old system had remained in place. Many retirees have used these challenges to teach their children and grandchildren the importance of saving independently as much as possible.

Increased Competition for Jobs

Editorial credit: Stokkete/ Shutterstock.

With so many baby boomers retiring, the workforce itself will also change, as younger generations like Gen X and millennials might face more competition for higher-level positions. Additionally, this could mean they advance in their careers faster because more senior positions open up. Either way, it’s quite clearly a big change. 

The Labor Shortage Crisis

Editorial credit: 1st footage / Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, this also means the labor shortage is worsening across several industries, including healthcare and construction. This shortage could increase wages and create more competitive benefits and work conditions. Companies might struggle to attract enough workers to fill the gaps that retirees left behind.

Effect on Social Security

Editorial credit: LisaCarter / Shutterstock.

The increasing number of retiring baby boomers is putting more strain on Social Security. Many experts worry that the remaining funds won’t be enough to support these retirees. This is made worse by some predictions that Social Security funds will disappear sooner than expected, affecting future payouts.

Need for Increased Immigration

Editorial credit: Kseniya Lanzarote / Shutterstock.

Some people have argued that more immigration is needed to solve the issues of a decreasing workforce. Younger immigrants could help fill the labor gaps and support the workforce. In theory, this could help avoid some of the challenges of an aging population that can’t work anymore.

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