25 Tech Myths That Older Generations Have a Hard Time Shaking - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Tech Myths That Older Generations Have a Hard Time Shaking

It’s easy for younger people to get caught up in the ever-evolving tech world. But for some older people, it’s much harder, and they might end up believing some things about technology that simply aren’t true. Today, we’re looking at 25 misconceptions that some older people have about technology and the truth behind them.

More Megapixels Means Better Photos

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

A lot of people think that the more megapixels a camera has, the better the photos are. But that’s not true, as image quality depends on things like sensor size and lens quality. More megapixels don’t necessarily mean you’ll get a better image, especially if the processing technology isn’t up to par.

Private Browsing Is Absolute Privacy

Editorial credit: Sam Kresslein / Shutterstock.

Private browsing, or “incognito mode,” is private, but it doesn’t make you completely invisible. They don’t hide your activity from websites or your internet provider, and your online footprint is still visible to some people. There’s no such thing as completely private browsing because there’s always a trace.

More Bars, Better Service

Editorial credit: yougoigo / Shutterstock.

Yes, those little bars on your cellphone show your signal strength, but they’ve got nothing to do with network quality. Even with full bars, your calls might drop if the network’s busy or if you’re moving fast. Network reliability depends on much more than just signal strength, so don’t get frustrated if you’ve full bars and nothing’s going through.

Leaving Your Phone Plugged in Kills the Battery

Editorial credit: DAMRONG RATTANAPONG/ Shutterstock.

There’s no need to worry about overcharging your phone anymore. In the past, yes, overcharging could damage your devices, but most modern technology is smart enough to stop charging when it’s full. But that doesn’t mean you should leave it plugged in all the time because this can cause the battery to degrade slightly over many months.

Using a Cell Phone at a Gas Station is Dangerous

Editorial credit: AYO Production / Shutterstock.

For some reason, people believe that using your cell phone at a gas station could ignite the fuel, and that’s why it’s banned. But there’s actually no scientific research that supports this idea. The real risk comes from static electricity, not your phone’s signals, so you should still be careful about using it.

Internet Cookies Are Bad For Your Privacy

Editorial credit: Tada Images / Shutterstock.

Cookies get a bad rap because they track you, but they’re also what makes the internet user-friendly. They help sites remember what you prefer and your login details, so going online is way easier. Like the edible kind, not all cookies are bad for you, but you should probably clean them out every so often to keep things clean.

Macs Can’t Get Viruses

Editorial credit: mama_mia / Shutterstock.

It’s true that Macs aren’t as big of a target for hackers as other operating systems like Windows, but that doesn’t mean they’re immune. In fact, it’s this mistaken belief that means some attacks succeed. Even with an Apple device, you should still have antivirus software and be wary of any suspicious links.

More Features Means Better Software

Editorial credit: DC Studio / Shutterstock.

Software that’s packed with features sounds like a great deal. But is it really? The truth is that it can actually make programs run slower and make things more complicated than they need to be. Sometimes, simpler is better, especially if it does the things you need quickly, so there’s no need to make things complicated.

Social Media Is Only For Young People

Editorial credit: Primakov / Shutterstock.

Who said social media’s just for young people? Older people are some of the fastest-growing groups on sites like Instagram and Facebook because they can use these platforms to catch up with old friends. And even newer platforms like TikTok have a growing older community, with many people over 50+ using it to fight ageism

Shutting Down is Bad

Editorial credit: feeling lucky / Shutterstock.

There’s a pretty common myth that you shouldn’t down your PC every day because it stresses the system, although that’s not true. Turning off your computer is a good way to reset your system’s memory and manage updates. You don’t need to do it every day, but shutting down once in a while is great.

You Need to Be a Genius to Use Modern Tech

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

You don’t have to be a tech genius to use modern gadgets, as a lot of newer technology is designed to be easy to use. It doesn’t matter if you’re setting up a smartphone or installing a new app because companies have made it simpler for everyone to get on board. Don’t feel intimidated.

The Internet Is Only For Entertainment

Editorial credit: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock.

The internet isn’t just a place for fun anymore, you can use it for many different things. Fancy learning something new? There’s a site for that. Want to get better at managing your health? Watch a YouTube video. You can easily access a lot of online courses and catch up on the news, all from the comfort of your own home.

Antivirus Software Slows Down Your Computer

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

The idea that antivirus software slows down your computer is half-true. Most antivirus products are designed to protect your PC without causing any issues, as they run quietly in the background. But there are some programs out there that aren’t so reliable which can cause some major performance issues.

Nobody Uses Email

Photo Credit: one photo/Shutterstock.

Even though there are a ton of instant messaging apps out there, email is still an important part of professional and personal communication, especially among older people. It’s a great way to send any important information and stay connected, just without the informality of texting someone.

Smart Home Devices Are Too Complicated

Editorial credit: RossHelen / Shutterstock.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by smart home technology, but don’t let that stop you. Most of the time, they come with clear instructions, and they’re designed to be pretty straightforward to use. Plus, they can make your life a whole lot easier, like automating your lights and heating to turn on at a certain time.

Video Games Are a Waste of Time

Editorial Credit: DC Studio / Shutterstock.

Of course, playing video games is fun, and it’s also a great way to unwind after a tough day of work. But it’s so much more than that. Research shows it can help improve your brain, such as your reaction times and problem-solving abilities. There are so many benefits to gaming that lots of people ignore.

You Can’t Get Real News Online

Editorial credit: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock.

We should definitely be skeptical of things we read online, but we don’t have to doubt everything. There are lots of trustworthy online news sites that’ll give you accurate information, and the big thing is to learn which sources are reliable. And yes, that means you shouldn’t trust everything you see on Facebook.

The Cloud Is Only For People Who Love Tech

Editorial credit: RossHelen / Shutterstock.

“The cloud” sounds mysterious and complicated, but it’s really not. It’s just a way of storing files online that allows you to access them from anywhere on practically any device. Anytime you save pictures or documents online, you’re using the cloud. Don’t be afraid to use it.

Tech Support Scams Are Easy to Spot

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, tech support scams can be quite sophisticated, especially the ones that look like they’re coming from legit sources. Nobody’s immune from being scammed, and the best way to protect yourself is to know the red flags. Check out the source before you give them any personal information or access to your devices.

Streaming Services Are Just for Movies

Editorial Credit: Stock-Asso / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, streaming was just for movies and TV shows, but not anymore. You can stream practically everything now, including live sports and even video games. There’s something for everyone out there, just as long as you know where to look for it. What’s stopping you?

Technology Isolates Belief

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Some people are afraid that technology isolates us, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, in many ways, it actually connected us more than ever before. You can video chat with your family in another country or even join a group of people with the same hobbies. Technology has the power to bring people together and create communities, no matter how far away they are.

Data Breaches Are Only a Big Company Issue

Editorial credit: A. Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Data security is important for anyone, as small businesses and even individuals are at risk of a data breach. But how do you protect yourself? You should always use strong passwords and never repeat them for other sites. And be careful of who you share your data with, as you don’t know who’s on your side and who’s not.

E-Readers Are Bad For Your Eyes

Editorial credit: A. Aleksandravicius / Shutterstock.

There’s a strange misconception that e-readers strain your eyes more than traditional books. In reality, they’re designed to be just as easy on your eyes as paper books, as their displays are made to reduce the glare. If anything, they make things much easier because you can carry thousands of books on just one device.

Artificial Intelligence Will Take Over Many Jobs

Editorial credit: Deemerwha studio / Shutterstock.

On the one hand, it’s true that artificial intelligence is going to take jobs, but it’s also going to create new ones. AI is already a big part of our work environment, and learning to work with it can open up new career opportunities. It’s not meant to replace you, it’s meant to improve how we work.

Bigger Screens Hurt Your Eyesight

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Although it sounds strange, larger displays can actually be better for your eyes because they allow for clever fonts and a more comfortable viewing distance. If you adjust the settings to suit your vision, you should have a much more relaxed viewing experience. Just remember to take a break now and again.

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