25 Things Atheists Believe Happens To Them After They Die - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Things Atheists Believe Happens To Them After They Die

Nobody knows what happens to us when we shuffle off this mortal coil, and that’s half of the fun. For atheists, the afterlife isn’t a play of pearly gates or fiery pits but things that make sense to use here and now. Here are 25 things atheists believe happen to us when we die.

The Big Nothing

Editorial credit: Gaurav Paswan / Shutterstock.

First up, we have something that’s a little on the scary side. Some atheists see death as like turning off the TV, and it goes black, with no sound or pictures. They think there’s no consciousness, dreams, or…anything, really. Yes, it sounds bleak, but it’s also simple in a way that some people find quite settling.

Living On Through Others

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Some people believe that even if you’re not floating around on a cloud somewhere, the stuff you did and the memories you made still stay with other people. Your legacy keeps on going without you, and your influence might pop up in a family tradition or something similar. It’s just been passed from one friend to another.

Back to Nature

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For some atheists, death means you’re decomposing and getting back into the earth. But that’s not a bad thing because you’re continuing the cycle of life, and you’re just a part of nature’s big recycling program. Even if we don’t physically exist anymore, our physical bodies do, and we’re helping life on Earth in a different form.

Energy Never Dies

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Physics 101 is that energy can’t be created or destroyed, right? So, some atheists think our energy goes back into the universe when we die. No, they don’t believe we become ghosts, but they think it’s just our energy goes back to becoming part of the stars. To them, the end of life is a transition where our energy continues to exist.

No More Being Careful

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Since they don’t believe in a fiery underworld, atheists don’t worry about being eternally punished for their actions. They can live life without that kind of fear breathing down their necks, which honestly sounds pretty liberating. They can make their own decisions based on personal and societal values rather than the fear of being punished by a god.

Existential Freedom

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Some atheists get their ideas from existential thinkers like Sartre or Camus, who basically said that we make our meaning. For these atheists, we’ve got to create a life that means something to us without worrying about divine scorekeeping. They enjoy having the freedom to choose and live according to their own purpose.

The Now Is All We Got

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If this is our one shot, why waste it? The idea there’s no chance of a do-over means that some atheists are trying to feel as much happiness and meaning as they can from here and now. They want to make the most of the moments we have by taking responsibility to live well and fully.


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Heaven and hell? They’re more like fairytales for atheists, as they prefer sticking to what can be seen and proven. They don’t buy into stories without any actual evidence, so any beliefs they have are more evidence-based. They rely on science and logic to help them understand the world. In fact, around 26% of Americans don’t believe in heaven or hell.

Comfort in the Unknown

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Yes, death is a mystery, but the biological process isn’t. For many atheists, understanding the science of how our bodies shut down and return to the earth gives them a sense of comfort. After all, it’s something predictable, and it makes death seem a little less mysterious because it’s just a natural end to life.

Safety Through Science

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Some atheists put their faith in science and technology, such as cryonics. This is where people freeze their bodies when they die because they hope that future tech will bring them back to life. Yes, it’s a long shot, but it shows they’re a little more hopeful and forward-thinking. To them, it’s not “goodbye” but “see you later” instead.

Importance of Medical Science

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Speaking of science, a lot of atheists support medical science because it’ll help us to live longer and better. They support research and developments that can help us to fight diseases we thought were unbeatable. For them, yes, we’re finding cures, but they’re also trying to improve the lives we’re certain we have.

Making a Choice

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Many atheists support the right for people to make their own medical decisions, especially when it comes to end-of-life care. They believe we should have the final decision on how we’re treated if we get seriously ill. They’ll support laws and policies that let people choose their paths without any interference from the government. 

Focus On Now, Not Next

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A lot of atheists aren’t waiting around for the next life to fix things, and they’d rather make the most of this one. This means they’ll get involved in their communities and try to make changes in the time they have on this earth. Worrying about what happens to us next? No, they’d rather cherish the relationships they build here.

Welcoming the End

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Many atheists see death as part of a natural cycle, so they don’t think it’s something to be afraid of. Lots of them will get their affairs in order before they die so they can avoid causing any hassle for the people they care about. They’re trying to make things easier for their loved ones and making sure they get their final wishes.

Seeing Death Through the Ages

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Other atheists look at how we’ve viewed death throughout history and how it’s a bond that ties us all together. They don’t think it’s a full stop but just a bridge that joins us to our ancestors and descendants. That’s sort of nice when you think about it, isn’t it? Death is just another part of our story.

The Ultimate Rest

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Another belief some atheists have is that death is the deepest and most peaceful rest we’ll ever get. Forget about nightmares because they believe it’s a time without dreams or discomfort. Instead of being something we should be scared of, some atheists believe it’s a peaceful time that should make us feel calmer.

Guardians of the Earth

Editorial credit: David Pereiras / Shutterstock.

For a lot of atheists, believing there’s nothing after death means making an effort to make things better now. They’re fighting climate change and encouraging people to be greener because it’s their chance at immortality. They want to create a legacy that’ll last beyond their years with a healthier Earth for the kids and grandkids.

Good Farewell

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Why be sad when you can celebrate? They don’t think funerals should be a time of tears or sadness but a chance to throw a party and celebrate the life that someone lived. Instead of sad goodbyes, they’d rather laugh about the good times and, of course, cringe at those embarrassing moments.

Continuing to Learn

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Atheists love to keep it real, and that includes their legacies. They’ll set up scholarships and support art projects so that other people can continue learning from them. Even if they haven’t got enough money to do that, some of them will write down their life stories so other people can still feel their impact.


Editorial credit: Raggedstone / Shutterstock.

Haunted houses and ghost stories? Atheists aren’t buying it because they get comfort from the laws of physics and biology. They know that Mother Nature has rules to stick to, and she doesn’t need spirits to make things interesting. It’s a level-headed belief that means they’re free from fears of the paranormal.

Death…With a Smile

Editorial credit: Andy Dean Photography / Shutterstock.

Since we don’t know anything about the great beyond, some atheists would rather crack jokes to deal with a little easier. They figure there’s no harm in having a laugh over it, and they’re not wrong. This way, they can take away some of the taboo and dread we feel over death, lightening the mood for everyone.

Investing in Themselves

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It’s a fact that we’ve only got one shot at life, and this means that atheists care a lot about personal growth. They believe we should make the most of the time we have by learning new skills and improving our character. Their goal is to make an impact while they’re here and touch lives in a way that’ll leave a positive mark.

The Power of Now

Editorial credit: Maridav / Shutterstock.

As they don’t believe in an afterlife, many atheists try to focus on the present by seizing the day. They’ll do this in many different watts, such as traveling or doing the hobbies they really enjoy. For some of them, it can be something as simple as spending more quality time with their loved ones. And honestly? That’s pretty nice.

Philosophical Questions

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Even though they don’t know all the answers, many atheists still enjoy having conversations about life’s big questions. They’re not shy about sharing their views and discussing them with other people, whether they agree or not. Many atheists like to exchange their ideas freely and without any judgment.

Supporting Secularism

Editorial credit: Jana Shea / Shutterstock.

Finally, many atheists believe in having a secular society where government and religion are clearly separated. They believe we should make decisions based on reason and science, not religious ideas. To them, that’ll help us create a world where people are free to believe what they want or not.

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