18 Policies That Have America Divided - Boomer insight

Cathy Dean

18 Policies That Have America Divided

These issues spark dinner table debates, fuel passionate protests, and fill our news feeds with endless commentary. But beyond the headlines and the political rhetoric, it’s important to remember that behind each opinion is a human story, a personal experience that shapes one’s beliefs.


Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

Healthcare in America is wildly expensive and one of the most divisive political issues facing voters. Depending on who you vote for in the upcoming election, they will either endorse the single-payer system, government-backed healthcare, or private healthcare systems. Furthermore, issues about Medicare, the Affordable Care Act, and regulating pharmaceutical pricing are also highly contentious to the American public. 

Gun Control 

Editorial credit: Marie Kanger Born / Shutterstock.

While many Americans endorse the right to bear arms and protect themselves, others feel that gun control laws need to be improved with access and checks being increased. This is a controversial and sensitive topic, especially given the number of high-school shootings that have happened in recent years, with many Americans calling for the overall number of guns on the streets of America to be dramatically decreased. 

The War in Ukraine 

Editorial credit: evan_huang / Shutterstock.

American citizens were shocked when Russia invaded Ukraine, and the US was one of the first countries to offer their support in the form of aid, finances, and weapons; however, two years on, support amongst Americans has dwindled, with many claiming that they cannot keep funneling resources and money towards a conflict that’s not on their shores.


Editorial credit: winnond / Shutterstock.

The debate over abortion rights has seen political unrest all across America, and this has proven to be a highly contentious, political, ethical, and religious issue that has divided many American citizens into pro-life or pro-choice camps. 

Technology and Privacy 

Editorial credit:TippaPatt/ Shutterstock.

Technology and the internet are evolving faster than we have been able to react to or counteract them. In many instances, the development of AI, ChatGPT, and Deepfake technologies has made Americans more cautious and sensitive about their online safety, privacy, and ability to verify facts from fake news stories. 


Editorial credit: Kseniya Lanzarote / Shutterstock.

The debate on how to approach the issue of illegal immigrants crossing the border into the US has become quite a volatile political topic in recent years. Both Biden and Trump appear to offer conflicting policies around border control, the processing of undocumented immigrants, and suitable pathways to citizenship, with most Americans left feeling confused and divided about the best course of action. 

Economic Inequality 

Editorial credit: Hyejin Kang / Shutterstock.

Americans appear to be on opposite sides of the fence regarding the distribution of economic wealth in the US. While some advocate for social security safety nets and minimum wage laws, others fight against what they see as “benefit culture” and campaign against political policies that they view as “hand-outs” for work-shy individuals. 

Climate Change 

Editorial credit: Piyaset / Shutterstock.

While some political parties downplay the urgency of climate change and instead wish to utilize America’s fossil fuels for energy and economic prosperity, others are on the opposite side of the fence. Many Americans feel gravely concerned about the planet and the harmful effects of climate change, and they couldn’t feel more opposed to the political opinions of “climate deniers.” This has provoked heated political rallies, debate, and conflict over climate change.

LGBTQ+ Rights

Editorial credit: Frank Wagner/ Shutterstock.

While America is seeing some of the biggest shifts towards liberal progressive societal norms, which promote equality, diversity, and inclusion regarding gender, marriage, and transgender rights, there are elements within the US that are swinging more towards traditional conservatism. These two positions are polar opposites and fiercely divide sections of America.


Editorial credit: Matej Kastelic / Shutterstock.

Education affects all Americans, as we all benefit from it and want our children and family members to get a good education. However, people are in one of two camps: they either support private schooling over public schooling or have differing opinions about how the school system should be funded and what should be on the curriculum. 


Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

All Americans pay taxes, so they also have an opinion about paying taxes. While some advocate for lower taxes for the poor and higher taxes for the wealthy, others are fighting for big corporations to be heavily taxed instead of individuals. Whether it’s tax reform, austerity, strategies to reduce the deficit, or social security, taxes are another contentious issue that Americans are divided over. 

Justice Reform 

Editorial credit: bangoland / Shutterstock.

Justice reform in America is another massive political issue that divides people, from policing practices to prison reform, rehabilitation strategies, and systemic racism within the justice system; this is one issue that is hotly debated amongst the American public. 

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Editorial credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi/ Shutterstock.

Civil rights and civil liberties encompass a wide range of issues, such as racial justice, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, the right to privacy, data protection, freedom of speech and expression, peace protest rights, and anti-discrimination laws. While some Americans advocate for increased freedoms around civil liberties, others are keen to see tighter laws restricting what individuals can legally do and say. 

Religious Freedom

Editorial credit: 9dream studio / Shutterstock.

As politicians attempt to protect individuals’ right to religious freedom, they often struggle to balance this with anti-discrimination laws. Americans are often divided by these two issues as it can be hard to decipher where religious expression ends and discrimination starts. 

Racial Inequality 

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Racism has been a deeply passionate and sensitive issue recently in America. The death of George Floyd gave rise to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, which saw protests for racial justice across the country, resulting in civil unrest, riots, and bringing this political issue to the fore. Furthermore, racism within the justice system and reparations for slavery are two hotly debated topics that seem to be dividing America in 2024. 

National Security and Foreign Policy 

Editorial credit: Gil C / Shutterstock.

America’s prominence as a world leader can have positive and negative aspects, as it requires the country to form powerful alliances and take sides in global conflicts. Depending on who you are affiliated with, this can appear conducive to supporting international political stability or provoking instability.  Thus, national security and foreign policy are politically volatile issues that have made Americans become divided. 

Trump vs Biden  

Editorial credit: No-Mad / Shutterstock.

This one is self-explanatory, but as we approach the 2024 Presidential election, America is split into two camps: Republicans and Democrats, and most people are either firm supporters of Donald Trump or Joe Biden. 

Voting Rights 

Editorial credit: zimmytws / Shutterstock.

With claims of election fraud and voting corruption, Americans are more sensitive than ever around topics such as voting ID legislation, polling station access, and counting procedures, with many Republicans asserting accusations of gerrymandering in past and present elections.  

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