The 18 Gun Brands That Let America Down - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

The 18 Gun Brands That Let America Down

When you’re looking to buy a firearm, you want something reliable, safe, and easy to use, but not all gun brands do that. Some fall short, and we’re not just talking about the price. Today, we’re looking at 18 of the worst gun brands in America and what makes them so utterly terrible. These are all just our opinion, so take it with a pinch of salt.

Jennings Firearms

Editorial credit: Hexidismal/ Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Jennings Firearms is kind of the budget bin of gun brands, and honestly, you get what you pay for. These guns have a bad habit of jamming up when you need them most, meaning that you might have some difficulties when you’re trying to defend yourself. That’s not exactly what you want in a high-stakes situation.

Bryco Arms

Editorial credit: Ulf Wittrock/ Shutterstock.

Back in the day, Bryco Arms had a weird design that made you disable the safety to unload the gun, which was a disaster waiting to happen. They’ve since had their share of legal woes, as this design led to numerous accidents and resulted in a major lawsuit that bankrupted the company. This gave Bryco a permanent spot in the hall of shame for gun safety.

Davis Industries

Editorial credit: Geni – Photo / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 4.0

Davis Industries tried to make a name for themselves with pocket pistols, but these little guys tend to break faster than expected. Users reported parts breaking at the worst times, which meant that when you need your gun the most, it’s likely to let you down. Since then, Davis’s reputation has taken a hit and has never quite recovered.

Lorcin Engineering

Editorial credit: U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Lorcin’s pistols are infamous for breaking down, and they became one of the most returned firearm brands. It got so bad that Lorcin eventually went out of business after facing several lawsuits, proving that poor quality can truly be your downfall. If only they’d invested a little more time and money in their weapons.

Jimenez Arms

Editorial credit: photobyphotoboy/Shutterstock.

Due to the sheer number of reliability issues and legal problems over manufacturing standards, Jimenez Arms is almost always in the tabloids. They’ve had difficulty maintaining a positive reputation between jammed firearms and the courtroom drama. Unsurprisingly, they’re one of the worst firearm companies around.

Cobra Enterprises

Editorial credit: Sorapop Udomsri / Shutterstock.

Cobra Enterprises has dealt with several issues, most of which have come from its numerous violations. These have made owning a firearm feel like a liability. This unpredictability has definitely affected their market appeal and pushed many potential buyers towards more reliable brands.

Phoenix Arms

Editorial credit: Fancy-cats-are-happy-cats/ Wikimedia Commons

Phoenix Arms handguns can turn a day at the range into a real chore, mostly because they’re just not that comfy to hold. This means they’re also hard to shoot accurately, and it’s one of the main reasons that people who spend long hours at the shooting range avoid these firearms. Even if you’re just using their weapons for self-defense, it’s just not worth it.

Hi-Point Firearms

Editorial credit: Jack Kingsman / CC BY 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

Hi-Point makes guns that are anything but sleek. They’re big and heavy, so discreetly carrying one is nearly impossible. Of course, some people are attracted to these weapons because their price point might be attractive, but the physical strain of handling these firearms is a huge turnoff.

Raven Arms

Editorial credit: DanMP5 /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Raven Arms might make affordable pistols, but they really cut corners on safety features. Many of their firearms have reliability issues that make those savings just not worth it, especially during important moments. Various firearm safety experts have spoken about how dangerous these weapons can actually be, and they’re not worth it for anyone who cares about dependability.

Charter Arms

Editorial credit: M62 / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Charter Arms has a reputation for being inconsistent. You might get a great gun or end up with something terrible, which has made it hard for them to build a loyal customer base. They do have some models that perform well, but if you’re looking for something dependable, you might want to go for a more reliable brand.

American Derringer

Editorial credit: U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

As cool as they look, American Derringer’s pistols have a challenging recoil and handling. This makes them less than ideal for inexperienced shooters or anyone looking for a comfortable firearm. Their size also works against them because it makes them hard to hold properly, which increases the risk of mishandling and accidental discharge.

Keystone Sporting Arms

Editorial credit: Robert Maloni/ Shutterstock.

Keystone Sporting Arms’ weapons have faced huge safety challenges, leading to many of their rifles being recalled or coming with safety warnings. To nobody’s surprise, many parents don’t trust these weapons, especially for their kids. Keystone needs to step up its game seriously in quality control to keep its young customers safe.

Republic Arms

Editorial credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock.

Trying to get a response from Republic Arms is pretty frustrating, as their customer service is practically nonexistent. When you need help the most, you’re unlikely to get a reply, and this poor service response has affected people’s view of them. After all, as a customer with a negative experience, you’re more likely to share that with other potential buyers.

SCCY Industries

Editorial credit: YvesHoebeke / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 4.0

SCCY firearms have a reputation for having overly sensitive triggers, which isn’t exactly safe for a firearm. Unless you’re handling those weapons with a lot of care, they are more dangerous than they should be. You need to be pretty careful with handling these firearms, and that just makes the whole shooting experience quite frustrating.

Standard Manufacturing

Editorial credit: High Standard Manufacturing Company/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Once you buy their guns, Standard Manufacturing doesn’t provide much support, meaning that it’s pretty hard to get a repair if something goes wrong. This lack of support is particularly annoying if you’re dealing with something that needs professional attention. You’ll turn to third-party services, which are usually costly and inconvenient.

Sturm, Ruger & Co.

Editorial credit: Michael E. Cumpston / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 4.0

Sturm, Ruger & Co. normally makes reliable firearms, but some of their models have recently fallen short. If there are no accidental discharges to worry about, then the number of recalls has massively tarnished their reputation. It’s no surprise people aren’t buying their guns, as they’re about their quality checks and product safety.

Taurus International

Editorial credit: HarveyHenkelmann/ Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.5

Taurus International previously had to recall nearly a million pistols thanks to an issue that caused them to fire if you dropped them. Unfortunately for them, this massive recall has left a bad taste in people’s mouths about the whole company. Many people don’t trust their overall quality control or testing procedures.

Magnum Research

Editorial credit: Elderberrypa / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

While Magnum Research is famous for the powerful Desert Eagle, this gun is also pretty impractical for everyday use. While it’s certainly impressive, its large frame and heavy weight make it a poor choice for protecting yourself. During those times, mobility and ease of handling are even more important.

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