18 Reasons Boomers Are Failing to Secure and Keep Jobs - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Boomers Are Failing to Secure and Keep Jobs

Getting a job is never easy, but it’s become a real problem for quite a few boomers. Lots of them are struggling to get a job, and for those who do, it’s an uphill battle to stay in this position. What’s going on? Today, we’re looking at 18 reasons why so many boomers are unemployed and why they can’t stop this.

Changing Industries

Editorial credit: pathdoc/ Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, everyone wanted to work in manufacturing or the media, but not anymore. Many boomers built their careers in industries that just aren’t what they used to be, and those old skills may not be as useful anymore. Being able to type a hundred words a minute isn’t so impressive now.

Automation and Technology

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Similarly, machines are doing a lot of what boomers used to do by hand, which is why you’ll see so many robots on the production line or software that sorts data. Technology has replaced many jobs that needed a human touch before, and it’s a lot faster. Sadly, this means many boomers are out of a job because they just can’t compete.

Cost of New Technology

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It’s also not cheap to keep up with the latest technology and software. Lots of boomers find it hard to justify paying for a new computer or iPad so they can get a new job, especially if they’re not already working regularly. But without these latest tools, they might not read the technical requirements that many jobs ask for, which puts them at a major disadvantage.

Health Problems

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While there are plenty of benefits of getting older, there are also a ton of negatives, like health issues that make full-time work a literal pain. Many boomers suffer from health conditions like arthritis or diabetes, which means they can’t look for work anymore. And worse of all, not all businesses are understanding or accommodating enough to care.

Age Discrimination

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It’s harsh but true. Some companies look at younger applicants as better long-term investments, thanks to stereotypes of older workers not being around for long or being unable to keep up with the pace. Age discrimination is a huge part of the job search, even if nobody’s willing to recognize or admit it.

New Skills

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In the job market today, you’ll hear people throwing around buzzwords like “blockchain” and “machine learning.” These are things that barely existed when boomers started their careers, and they don’t have the training to understand these new terms. Trying to get their heads around this new language can be a real challenge.

Corporate Downsizing

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When companies need to cut costs, they’ll usually start by looking at the people with the higher salaries. More often than not, they’re the more experienced and older employees, and they’ll usually get the cut. Honestly, it’s not fair, as they’ve given their all to their company for so many years, only to find themselves out of a job when the going gets tough.

Millennial Competition

Editorial credit: Andrii Yalanskyi / Shutterstock.

Millennials are flooding the job market with technology and social media skills that many companies are looking for. They’re usually more willing to work for a lower salary than most boomers, which makes them an attractive hire for many companies. Sadly, this means that many boomers get prices out.

Freelance and Contract Work

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There’s no denying that the gig economy is great for people, mostly younger generations, who like setting their own hours. But, the majority of boomers are used to the stability and benefits of full-time jobs, meaning that these new short-term gigs can get a little confusing for them. They’re not used to being their own bosses in the workplace.

Not Enough Part-Time

Editorial credit: Waniza / Shutterstock.

Of course, some boomers are happy to do part-time because they’re moving closer to retirement. Unfortunately, part-time roles that match their skills and experience aren’t exactly common. In some cases, they have to either commit more than they want to or step back from getting a job altogether.

Educational Demands

Editorial credit: Matej Kastelic / Shutterstock.

Newer jobs usually want people with fresh educational credentials, like a degree or certification from the last five years. When you’re older, going back to school can be both expensive and daunting, especially when you’re trying to balance other responsibilities like a family or a mortgage. And sometimes, it’s just pretty much impossible.

Being Overqualified

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At the same time, having too much on your resume can work against you. Boomers have plenty of experience and qualifications, but employers may still ignore them because they’re worried that boomers won’t be happy with less responsibility or lower pay. They might choose someone who’s not as qualified because they’re more likely to just “get on and do it.”

Trying to Network

Editorial credit: Primakov / Shutterstock.

What you know isn’t as important as who you know. These days, most people get their jobs through connections they make on LinkedIn or other social media. If you’re not up-to-date with using these platforms, you’re almost completely cut out from getting any leads that could turn into careers.

Reluctant to Relocate

Editorial credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

When the perfect job is in another state, many younger people will jump at the chance to move because they haven’t got as many things to tie them down. But if you’ve spent decades building your life in one place, packing up and leaving isn’t so simple. For boomers, it means they’re limited to the jobs in their communities.

Company Culture

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Most companies tailor their work environments towards a younger audience with things like open office plans and team bonding events. To some boomers, this can make them feel out of place, and they might be less willing to take up these opportunities. They don’t want to be part of a business that’s focused on a completely different generation.

Not Enough Awareness

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Unlike some minority groups, older employees don’t usually have advocacy groups that are fighting for their rights and opportunities. After all, when was the last time you heard of an older workers union? Not having any support means that trying to get a job is even more difficult, as older people don’t have anybody to help them.

Startup Culture

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Startups are pretty common these days, and they’re usually looking for jack-of-all-trades workers who can change on a dime. While it’s certainly exciting, many boomers are used to more traditional roles, and adapting to this pace and uncertainty is a challenge. Many of these companies would rather hire younger people who can fit this type of mindset. 

Psychological Difficulties

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

Trying to find a job can seriously take a toll on your mental health, especially after you’ve had a long career. When you keep getting rejected, this affects your confidence and self-esteem, which, in turn, makes the job search even more difficult. It’s a practical and personal challenge that can sometimes be too much for some boomers.

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