18 Smart Reasons to Keep Your $2 Bills - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Smart Reasons to Keep Your $2 Bills

Before you think about spending those $2 bills on a cup of coffee or stashing them away forever, you should know a few things about them. While you might not use them daily, keeping those $2 bills can be pretty helpful. Here are 18 reasons why you should hold onto your $2 bills.

They’re Pretty Rare on the Cash Register

Editorial credit: RomanR/ Shutterstock.

$2 bills aren’t something you see every day, especially at the cash register, which makes them pretty cool to have. They’re not printed as much as other bills, so having a couple in your wallet sets you apart from the crowd. Pulling out a $2 bill could even lead to a conversation with other people about where you got it or why you chose to keep it.

Collectors Are on the Hunt

Editorial credit: fakezzz / Shutterstock.

Some $2 bills are a collector’s item, as they’re rarer than others. Some collectors go for them, which might make them even more valuable over time. You could be sitting on a small fortune if you’re lucky enough to find one with a rare serial number or a small print error.

Perfect for Tipping

Editorial credit: DC Studio / Shutterstock.

It’s a lot easier to tip your barista or waiter with a $2 bill than any other kind of bill, and it’s also a lot more considerate than a $1 bill. You could make someone’s day a little more interesting with that $2, and not just because you’re giving them a tip. They could really appreciate the fact that it’s a rarity.

They’re Mini History Lessons

Editorial credit: christianthiel.net / Shutterstock.

When you turn a $2 bill over, you’ve got a mini history lesson right there, with Thomas Jefferson on one side and the Declaration of Independence signing on the other. Each bill is a piece of history in your hands that reminds you of the important moments that created our great nation. Why wouldn’t you want that? 

Considered Lucky

Editorial credit: Natalya Bardushka/ Shutterstock.

In the past, many people thought $2 bills were unlucky, although things have changed since then. No matter the reason, keeping one in your wallet is said to bring good luck, so there’s no reason for you to get rid of that. Plus, it’s always nice to pull out something different at the checkout line, and who doesn’t need a bit more luck in their day?

Lucky Charms in Gift-Giving

Editorial credit: Shyntartanya / Shutterstock.

Speaking of luck, you can always pass some of it on by putting a $2 bill in gifts, like in cards for graduations or new jobs. This way, you give other people some financial luck and good wishes. It’s something so small, but it can make a huge difference, especially since it adds a personal touch to your gift.

Encourages You to Save

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic/ Shutterstock.

It’s easy to spend a $1 bill, but it’s a lot harder to spend a $2 bill. People tend to hold onto them because they’re unusual, which can surprisingly help you save money. The less likely you are to break them out for everyday expenses, the more likely you are to collect them, which could give you some sizeable savings over time without really trying.

They’re Eye-Catchers Abroad

Editorial credit: kei907 / Shutterstock.

Many other countries don’t usually have a $2 bill in their currency, as many have coins instead. Having one yourself could make conversations a bit more interesting. These bills tend to stand out because they’re so small, making them a great way to share a bit of American culture. 

Keeping Tradition Alive

Editorial credit: Malochka Mikalai / Shutterstock.

When you use $2 bills, you’re helping keep a traditional currency alive. As digital payments become more common, every $2 bill that we use keeps a bit of old-school charm in circulation. Using paper currency like this is a great way to remember the days when cash was king.

Less Likely to Be Fake

Editorial credit: Andrew Angelov/ Shutterstock.

Since they’re less common and less valuable, counterfeiters often skip over $2 bills. This makes them one of the safer bets for holding onto cash, and it can be pretty comforting to know that what you’re carrying is less likely to be questioned. You can rest easy when you use a $2 bill. 

Perfect for Precise Change

Editorial credit: Pavel_D / Shutterstock.

If you hate carrying loads of coins, $2 bills are practically made for you because they make small transactions smooth and simple. Less jingle in your pockets makes it far easier to manage your money and makes the checkout transactions much faster. That’s a win-win for everyone.

Great for Crafts and Projects

Editorial credit: ppart / Shutterstock.

Believe it or not, $2 bills can make craft projects or DIY gifts a little more unique. It doesn’t matter if you’re scrapbooking or creating a custom frame for a gift because adding a $2 bill can make your project stand out. After all, how many presents do you know that have a $2 bill on them?

Encourages Financial Literacy for Kids

Editorial credit: izzuanroslan/ Shutterstock.

You can also give your kids a $2 bill to teach them how to handle their money. Kids often want to know why they’re unusual, which opens the door to discussions about money management and the value of saving. Learning about finances should be fun; using a $2 bill can make that happen.

Ideal for Themed Parties or Events

Editorial credit: G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock.

If you’re throwing a historical or patriotic-themed party, you could use $2 bills for party favors or even game prizes. They fit themes that celebrate American history or any event where you want to make things a little classier. And if you have any guests who don’t see these bills often, they’ll probably appreciate being able to use them.

Helps With Exact Change Machines

Editorial credit: Bayhu19 / Shutterstock.

We’ve all had those times when the snack or soda machine just won’t take our dollar bills because they’re too crumpled. Since they’re not circulated as much, $2 bills tend to be in better shape, which means they’re perfect for this kind of situation. If you’re trying to use a machine that’s picky about the bills it accepts, a $2 bill could be your fix.

Featured in Special Edition Sets

Editorial credit: Christopher D. Jean/ Shutterstock.

Occasionally, the US Treasury features $2 bills in special edition sets that include unique stamps or markings to remember important national events or anniversaries. Owning a piece of this limited-edition currency feels so special, and it’s not something you can do often. It could be worth a lot in the future.

They Feel More Personal in Transactions

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Using a $2 bill can make a transaction feel more personal because it’s not just another piece of paper passing through countless hands. These bills are things that stand out, whether they’re a tip left at a cafe or payment at a local market. No matter who you’re using them with, a $2 bill makes things just a little better.

Simplifies Group Payments

Editorial credit: MargJohnsonVA/ Shutterstock.

$2 bills are pretty useful for when you’re splitting bills at a restaurant or sharing costs with friends because they simplify the math. Instead of working out complicated splits, a $2 bill can be a middle ground that often makes dividing things up far easier. Settling up is always a pain, so anything that makes it quicker and easier is great.

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