18 Self-Sabotaging Behaviors to Drop for Joy in Your Later Years - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Self-Sabotaging Behaviors to Drop for Joy in Your Later Years

As we age, we start thinking more about what makes us truly happy. We try to savor the good stuff while cutting out the not-so-great habits that drag us down, but knowing where to start is difficult. Let’s look at 18 common behaviors that might be stopping you from being happy without you even realizing it and how changing these habits could make you feel a lot better.

Complaining Less

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It’s easy to fall into a habit of complaining. Still, it usually brings down your mood and everyone else’s around you. Whenever you catch yourself wanting to moan, think of something you’re grateful for instead. Even though it’s a small change, it can brighten your day and make you a lot more fun to be around.

Cutting Down Screen Time

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As much as we all love our TVs and smartphones, too much screen time can really isolate us. Try limiting your use of technology and swapping some screen time for face-to-face conversations or exploring a new hobby. You might be surprised by how refreshing it feels to connect in the real world or learn something new.

Balancing Your Media Diet

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Speaking of media, it’s easy to get sucked into a cycle of negative news and start “doomscrolling.” Of course, it’s important to stay informed, but too much negativity can drag you down, so make sure you look at some positive stories, too. Listening to uplifting podcasts or reading inspiring books is a great way to maintain a more positive outlook.

Saying No to Overbooking

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It’s always good to be social, although you should remember there’s a fine line between being busy and being overwhelmed. Sometimes, saying “no” is a great idea because it means you can relax and avoid burning out. Don’t worry about missing out, as taking it easy can be just as rewarding, so try to find that sweet spot where you’re engaged but not exhausted.

Taking Care of Your Health

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We all know health is important, but as we age, it’s more important to keep on top of it by exercising regularly and visiting the doctor. Taking care of your body plays a big part in how happy you feel, and any little changes you make can lead to big differences. Even drinking more water or stretching in the morning can improve your mood and energy.

Letting Go of Grudges

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Holding onto old grudges weighs you down more than you realize, so perhaps try letting them go. It doesn’t mean you have to forget, but maybe you should try choosing happiness over bitterness. When you forgive others, you ease your burden by allowing for the possibility of peace and maybe even fixing your relationships with them.

Prioritizing Sleep

Editorial credit: Damir Khabirov / Shutterstock.

Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. It helps you feel rested and gives your body the break it needs to work well. If you don’t get enough, everything else becomes harder, so make it a point to get those zzz’s. Setting a bedtime routine can also help, like winding down with a book or a warm cup of herbal tea so your body knows it’s time to shut down.

Embracing New Adventures

Editorial Credit: Dudarev Mikhail / Shutterstock.

It gets boring when you stick to the same old routine, so why not mix things up by trying something new? Perhaps you could try a cooking class or maybe just go a different route on your morning walk to experience something new. Doing things differently can reenergize you and maybe even introduce you to new friends with similar interests.

Practicing Mindfulness

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Practicing mindfulness means focusing on the here and now, which can help you enjoy the moment and ease any worries you have. Learn to appreciate the little things by doing simple things, like deep breathing or savoring your morning coffee, as these habits can bring you back to the present. You’d be surprised at how much these changes can improve your life.

Managing Your Money Wisely

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Money troubles are the last thing you want on your plate, so perhaps try keeping a budget and planning for the future. This way, you’ll feel less stressed, not necessarily because you’ll have more money. The important part is managing what you do have, which starts by tracking your spending with an app or a notebook.

Choosing Your Company Carefully

Editorial credit: Xavier Lorenzo / Shutterstock.

Life’s too short to spend time in toxic relationships. If someone always makes you feel bad, it might be time to rethink that relationship because surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people can dramatically improve your life. You deserve better than to be around people draining your energy. 

Adapting to Change

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Of course, dealing with change is scary, but it’s also a part of life. Instead of resisting it, try to roll with the punches because facing new things head-on will help you grow and keep life interesting. You’ll open yourself up to new opportunities that can bring excitement and joy into your life.

Getting Creative

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Who says you have to be Picasso or Shakespeare to enjoy getting creative? Doing anything creative, whether painting or writing, gives you the chance to express yourself and feel happier about things. It’s well worth starting a new project and seeing where your creativity takes you, especially since you have no idea how it’ll turn out. 

Asking for Help When You Need It

Editorial credit: Bignai/ Shutterstock.

Everyone needs a helping hand occasionally, but asking for help is a real challenge. You must remember that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness because it can help you manage your stress and connect with others. You’ll also strengthen your relationship with those around you and help them know they can rely on you when they need it.

Eating Well

Editorial credit: Africa Studio/ Shutterstock.

We all know that eating well keeps you fit, but most people ignore how it makes you feel on the inside. Nutritious foods can improve your mood and make everything else a bit easier, so try to keep junk food to a minimum. Healthy food doesn’t have to be boring; you can experiment with new recipes to discover foods that taste good and are good for you.

Reflecting on Your Life

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Taking time to think about what makes you happy will help you determine your choices and activities. You’ll be able to understand yourself better and work towards what truly matters to you instead of what others think. After all, you should live for yourself and not for other people’s respect.

Making Time for Yourself

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Similarly, although getting caught up in the hustle and bustle is easy, you have to make time for yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s through reading a book or just sitting quietly with a cup of coffee, as you should find time to do the things that recharge your batteries. Without this “me time,” you’ll have no opportunity to reset and refresh yourself.

Facing Your Fears

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Fear often stops us from doing the things that could make us happiest, which is why it’s so important to face them. What’s the worst that can happen? You might embarrass yourself, but who knows, you could also have some fun. Of course, taking that first step can be hard, but it’s usually the start of something great.

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