18 Ways Men’s Habits Change After 50 - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Ways Men’s Habits Change After 50

When guys hit the big 5-0, they suddenly want to mix things up. Whether they want to stay healthy, pick up new hobbies, or do something else entirely, turning 50 is a huge change and preparing for some of the best years yet. Here are 18 habits many guys tend to pick up after turning 50 and why.

Health Check-ups

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Once the 50th birthday cake is gone, many men start preparing for those doctor visits they’ve been putting off. They know that feeling good now means that they’ll feel better in the long run. Regular check-ups become a new part of their routine, ensuring everything works as it should.

Becoming Chefs

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

It’s never too late to whip up a storm in the kitchen, and many guys find their culinary spark after 50. Maybe it’s the newfound free time or a need to finally eat better, but suddenly, they’re happy Julienning carrots and perfecting a roast. And let’s not forget all the other health benefits of cooking at home.

Digging In

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

For some older guys, turning 50 is the perfect time to start growing things, which is likely because of the peace and quiet of it all. Other older guys enjoy the satisfaction of seeing a plant grow from seed to bloom. Either way, gardening is good for both the body and soul, so it’s no wonder so many older guys are into it.

Signing up for the Gym

Editorial credit: BAZA Production / Shutterstock.

With a little more wisdom and aches and pains, many guys over 50 start hitting the gym. While some may do it just to bulk up, other guys want to stay active and strong, as they know that age is no excuse. It doesn’t matter if they go jogging regularly or join group fitness classes because, either way, exercise becomes a non-negotiable part of life.

Tackling Technology

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Many men give technology a second look once they’ve turned 50 and are keen to keep up with it. They know it’ll help them stay connected with their friends and family and keep up with current trends. Technology isn’t just for young people anymore; many older guys are happy to set up smart home devices or learn to use new apps.

Choosing Documentaries Over Dramas

Editorial credit: Stokkete / Shutterstock.

Older guys start watching documentaries instead of the latest Hollywood blockbusters to get a dose of reality. They want to learn some new concepts and understand historical events, which they can get from this type of film. After all, documentaries challenge how you think about the world like no other media type.

Tuning Into Podcasts

Editorial credit: JuShoot / Shutterstock.

Instead of listening to the radio, older guys will listen to a podcast because there’s one out there to match any interest. Podcasts are perfect for listening while these guys are commuting or just relaxing at home. They allow them to learn new information or enjoy a good story without too much hassle.

Investing in Skincare

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Looking good is just as important when you’re older, and more men realize this after hitting 50. They’ll invest in self-care by putting a little moisturizer here or perhaps some sunscreen there. Either way, their skin feels good with the right products, which wonders for their confidence, too.


Editorial credit: YAKOBCHUK-VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock.

Since many of them have more time, many older men fall back in love with reading again. It’s a way for them to challenge themselves intellectually or even travel through other people’s stories. You’ll find many older guys with their noses in books, especially since it’s so good for their brains.

Time to Volunteer

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

Volunteering is always great, and some guys will do it more when they turn 50 because it means they can fill their time with meaning and give back to the community. They get the chance to meet new people and learn about different ways of life while making a real difference. Who knows? They might even make a friend or two on the way.

Planning the Next Big Trip

Editorial credit: kudla/ Shutterstock.

Travel becomes a chance to be adventurous instead of simply a chance to get away. Turning 50 is the time for those bucket list trips, like trekking through the Amazon or exploring the ancient temples of Cambodia. Older guys recognize that travel broadens their minds and gives them some incredible stories to share.

Crafting and Woodworking

Editorial Credit: Karen Dole / Shutterstock.

There’s something satisfying about making things with your own hands, whether through woodworking or other crafts. Doing this when you’re older gives you something to fill your garage with, and it’s also a great way to stay physically active and mentally sharp. Older guys love the pride of showing off something they’ve made themselves.

Watching the Birds

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Bird-watching is more fun than expected, especially when you’re older. It’s a fantastic way to unwind, with nothing but the chirping of birds and rustling leaves, and this hobby encourages older guys to enjoy nature’s beauty. Even if they don’t get to see the birds they were hoping for, older guys love having the chance to slow down.

Starting a Collection

Editorial credit: Erin Cadigan / Shutterstock.

There’s no greater time to start collecting than when you’re older, whether it’s rare stamps or vintage vinyl. Each item has a story to tell, and the thrill of hunting for the next great piece is truly addictive. It also allows you to meet people who get just as excited about your finds and are ready to share their stories.

Exploring Meditation

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

More guys are catching on to meditation once they hit 50, as they start to understand the importance of clearing their heads and finding a bit of inner peace. Science also supports this, as meditation can reduce stress and improve concentration, among other things. It’s always great being able to sit back and relax when life gets a little chaotic. 

Restarting Old Friendships

Editorial Credit: Lomb / Shutterstock.

It’s easy to lose touch over the years, so many guys over 50 will pick up the phone or even reconnect over social media with the people they’ve lost contact with. They’re keen to appreciate those relationships again by catching up and talking about their lives. It’s pretty rewarding.

Experimenting With Home Improvement

Editorial credit: VH-studio / Shutterstock.

With more time and perhaps a bit more money to invest, many men start experimenting with home improvement projects, like finally redoing the kitchen or building that backyard deck. These projects allow them to improve their living space and feel accomplished. Plus, showing off your handiwork when your loved ones come over? That’s priceless.

Taking up Photography

Editorial credit: Vladimir Konstantinov / Shutterstock.

Many older men start taking up photography when they turn 50 because it’s a way to turn everyday moments into something creative. With this hobby, you can see the world through a new lens, and there are also many other mental benefits. Older guys love being able to document and share their view of the world around them. 

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