18 Common Gas Station Mistakes That Ruin Road Trips - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Common Gas Station Mistakes That Ruin Road Trips

If you’re ever out on a road trip, then making a stop over at a gas station or two is an absolute must. But there are several ways you can make these stops smooth and hassle-free. Here are 18 things you might want to avoid doing at the gas station for one reason or another.

Skipping the Once-Over

Editorial credit: Noin90650 / Shutterstock.

Before you hop back in your car, give it a quick once-over by checking for any new scratches, tires that look a bit flat, or weird stuff stuck in your car. It’s easy to rush off, but taking a minute to look around might save you from trouble down the road. You never know how much these small issues could end up costing you.

Loose Gas Cap 

Editorial credit: ERIK Miheyeu/ Shutterstock.

If you get back on the road and see your check engine light come on, then you might’ve left your gas cap loose. Always give it a twist to make sure it fits tightly because a loose cap can make your gas evaporate. It’s an easy fix that keeps your car running right and stops you from stopping again just to tighten up.

Hang Up and Pump

Editorial credit: f.t.Photographer/ Shutterstock.

As tempting as it is to scroll through your phone while you wait, you should resist this urge at the pump. It’s a potential safety hazard, as static and fumes are a recipe for disaster. Plus, it’s also a perfect moment to just take a breather and enjoy a little downtime. You could use that little break to check your surroundings or just stretch instead.

Tire Pressure 

Editorial credit: OATZ To Go FACTORY / Shutterstock.

If you have a few minutes, check your tire pressure. Driving on low tires can wear them out faster and even cause a blowout on the freeway. Most gas stations have air pumps, and it’s pretty easy to do. Regularly checking your tires will also save you money in the long run because you’ll be up-to-date with their condition.

Snacking Smart

Editorial credit: New Africa/ Shutterstock.

There’s nothing wrong with picking up some snacks; just make sure you munch away from the pump. It’s far cleaner to eat at a picnic spot at the station and avoid the crumbs getting in your car. Keeping crumbs and trash away from the refueling area also makes things a little safer because you won’t trip over anything.

Pump Hogging

Editorial credit: Andriy Blokhin/ Shutterstock.

Busy stations mean waiting lines. You really don’t want to be the person who fills up and then leaves their car at the pump while they wander off for a bathroom break and snacks. Fill up, then move your car and do the rest. This helps keep the flow going and means that nobody else has to wait.

Seriously No Smoking

Editorial credit: Alin_Kris/ Shutterstock.

It sounds like a no-brainer, but sadly, there are still way too many people who smoke at gas stations. Those warning signs about flammable fumes are not just for decoration, as even the tiniest spark can end in disaster. You’re much better off saving that smoke for a safer spot down the road. 

Weather Watch

Editorial credit: Alexandra Adele/ Shutterstock.

Rain or shine, you should always be a bit more careful when you’re walking around the pumps. Slippery spots or blowing debris can easily lead to you falling over, so keep your eyes peeled and take it slow. Just a few seconds of caution can save you from serious trouble and some huge medical bills.

Don’t Overfill

Editorial credit: amorn_me/ Shutterstock.

When the pump clicks off, just leave it. Trying to round up to the nearest dollar by adding just a bit more could make you spill some, and, let’s be honest, it’s bad for your car and the environment when you end up wasting some. Let the auto-stop do its job and pull away when you’re ready.

Kids and Cars

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

Always keep an eye on your kids during stops by making sure they’re out of the car with you or that someone else is watching them. This way, you’ll know they’re safe, and you can refuel without any worries. It’ll also give you a chance to stretch your legs together, making those long stretches on the road a little more bearable for everyone.

Germ Busters

Editorial credit: Nach-Noth/ Shutterstock.

After using the pump, give your hands a quick clean with sanitizer or wipes. Gas pumps aren’t exactly the cleanest things, and you don’t want to take any extra germs back into your car. Doing this quick step will keep everyone in the car from catching something they didn’t bargain for.

Keep It Friendly

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/ Shutterstock.

A little patience goes a long way at a busy gas station, and you should always wait your turn. After all, everyone’s just trying to get back on the road. A smile or a nod can also make the wait seem shorter for everyone while honking your horn doesn’t achieve anything. Keep it kind and respectful.

Fluid Check

Editorial credit: Nor Gal/ Shutterstock.

While you’re already stopped, remember to check your oil and other fluids. This could help you avoid bigger car troubles and keep your ride going smoothly, which is particularly important on longer trips. It’s essentially a quick health check-up for your car that doesn’t take long and can keep things running smoothly.

Take Your Time

Editorial credit: chalermphon_tiam/ Shutterstock.

Don’t rush your refuel. Spending a little extra time can help you avoid any easy mistakes, like driving away with the fuel cap on your car roof. It can make a big difference in keeping your trip on track and stress-free. Plus, that little moment at the pump can give you a quick breath of fresh air before hitting the road again.

Credit Over Debit

Editorial credit:KlingSup / Shutterstock.

If you can, use a credit card instead of a debit card at the pump. Credit cards have better fraud protection, which is important since card skimmers at gas pumps are far more common than people realize. Even if your card details get stolen, fraud protection services can help you resolve your problems faster.

Hide Your Valuables

Editorial credit: jittawit21/ Shutterstock.

Make sure to hide any valuables, as it takes just a second for someone to look in and grab something. Research shows that 9.5% of all thefts happen at gas stations. It’s better to be safe than sorry to keep your personal items out of sight and out of mind for any potential thieves. If you can see it, they can too. 

Fuel Type Fails

Editorial credit: Fulltime Traveler / Shutterstock.

You absolutely have to double-check you’re filling up with the correct fuel because using the wrong one can wreak havoc on your engine. This simple check can save you a ton of trouble and expense. Gasoline engines can’t handle diesel fuel and vice versa, so you should always take a moment to ensure you’ve got the right pump.

Plan Your Pit Stops

Editorial credit: Surasak_Ch/ Shutterstock.

You should always plan out where you’re going to stop for gas ahead of time. Trying to stretch every last mile out of your tank causes stress for both you and your car. It could also leave you stranded, so it’s better to stop a bit sooner than later. Look ahead and check what gas stations are on your route before you set off.

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