18 Long-Standing Traditions Millennials Love to Poke Fun At - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Long-Standing Traditions Millennials Love to Poke Fun At

There are plenty of timeless trends that millennials might think are funny, but they’re just a part of everyday life for many seniors. Wearing socks with sandals? It turns out there’s a method to what may seem like madness. Today, we’re looking at 18 old habits that younger people laugh at but actually have meaning to them.

Socks with Sandals

Editorial credit: Editorial credit: / Shutterstock. / Shutterstock.

Young people will see someone rocking socks with sandals and ask,What’s up with that?For many older people, it’s a way to keep comfy, whether with a bit of extra warmth for their toes or just padding around the house. This fashionmistakeis a practical choice that many seniors swear by because they prefer comfort over style any day.

Early Bird Specials

Editorial credit: Zurainy Zain / Shutterstock.

Getting a deal on dinner just by eating a bit earlier sounds pretty smart, and that’s exactly why many seniors love early bird specials. They get to enjoy their favorite meals at a discount and beat the evening rush. As funny as it might seem to young people, who doesn’t love saving a few bucks? There’s a reason why it’s becoming more popular to eat earlier.

Tuning Into AM/FM Radio

Editorial credit: Benjamin Clapp / Shutterstock.

The younger tech-savvy generation is always streaming the latest tracks, while many seniors are perfectly happy tuning into their favorite AM or FM radio stations. After all, it’s easy and doesn’t eat up any data. They really enjoy the surprise of not knowing which song will play next.

Writing Checks

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Writing checks might seem outdated in the digital age but don’t tell that to anyone in the older crowd. 17% of people still write them because they think that checks are a more reliable way to keep track of their spending and prefer the security of avoiding online transactions. Leaving a paper trail is a lot safer than a digital one. 

Watching Daytime TV

Editorial credit: adriaticfoto / Shutterstock.

Game shows and soap operas might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for many seniors, they’re a good part of the daily routine. Watching TV in this way is comforting for them because it includes many familiar faces and predictable plots that feel like home. They’d much rather do this than spend hours searching on streaming platforms, although it’s not exactly great for their brains.

Saving Wrapping Paper

Editorial credit: New Africa/ Shutterstock.

Why throw away perfectly good wrapping paper when you can save it for next time? Reducing, reusing, and saving a bit of money along the way is old-school, making some young people think we’re being cheap. But actually, it cuts down on waste and also brings a bit of creativity to gift-giving.

Taking Road Trips

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Forget speedy flights because seniors love the scenic route. Older people understand that half the fun of a trip is the journey and exploring new places and the freedom of the open road. Young people would rather just get from A to B, and they don’t understand the richness of a road trip that you can’t get from flying. 

Knitting and Crocheting

Editorial credit: Kostikova Natalia / Shutterstock.

It might seem like your grandma’s hobby, but knitting and crocheting are great ways to create something from scratch. They’re relaxing and also pretty good for your brain. You can pass on the skill or the gift like a homemade legacy, making it a labor of love that warms hearts and homes.

Doing Crossword Puzzles

Editorial credit: Air Images / Shutterstock.

Crossword puzzles are like workouts for your brain, and research shows they’re particularly useful for older people. Solving one is a satisfying start or end to the day. Forget your Wordles and the like because each puzzle you solve feels like a small victory, and it’s a fun way to stay connected with language.

Watching Classic Films

Editorial credit: AnnaStills / Shutterstock.

Old movies feature timeless stars and quality storytelling, which is why many seniors prefer these films. After all, these classic tales never feel dated. Watching these films is also like traveling back in time to a bygone era when people cared about cinematography and plot over special effects.

Holding Yard Sales

Editorial credit: Jerome Kundrotas / Shutterstock.

Yard sales are real events where you can talk with neighbors and even make a little cash from selling your old things. What’s not to love about community-building and profitable fun? These sales turn what one person no longer needs into a treasure for another and are perfect for catching up with people you might not see often.

Appreciating Silence

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Because everything’s so noisy all the time, many seniors cherish quiet moments that younger folks might find boring. It’s time to just be. These moments of silence can be quite refreshing because they give you a break from the constant buzz of technology and the hustle of daily life. It’s during these times that you can find true happiness.

Attending Local Bingo Nights

Editorial credit: kees jonker / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY 2.0

Bingo night is a big deal for many seniors, although many young people think they just care about the game. In reality, it’s the sense of community and the thrill of possibly winning something that they love. These evenings are a fun reason to get out of the house to socialize with friends, which is pretty important when you’re older.

Using a Percolator for Coffee

Editorial credit: Rabizo Anatolii / Shutterstock.

While the younger crowd might prefer fancy coffee machines or pods, many older adults stick with a classic percolator. They swear by its rich flavors and enjoy the ritual of setting it up each morning. 

Collecting Porcelain Figurines

Editorial credit: Olga V Kulakova / Shutterstock.

In many older people’s homes, you might see shelves lined with porcelain figurines, which young people often see as an old-fashioned hobby. But the truth is, many older people like these figurines because they’re beautiful and have special memories. Each piece is often a memory of a special occasion, making their collection a personal museum.

Wearing Hair Nets

Editorial credit: sam100 / Shutterstock.

While hair nets might seem like a throwback accessory to the younger crowd, many older women think they’re essential. After all, how else can they keep their hairstyles intact against the wind or during chores? It’s a practical beauty tool that stops them from wasting money on frequent trips to the salon.

Preferring Hard Candy

Editorial Credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

Many young people consider candies like butterscotch and peppermints asgrandparents’ candy.While they are popular with older people, it’s actually because they prefer these sweets’ subtle flavors. Not to mention, they’re perfect for soothing a dry throat. They don’t like all these weird and funky flavors on the market.

Watching Weather Channels

Editorial credit: buritora / Shutterstock.

Young people often wonder why some older adults spend hours watching weather channels when they can get instant updates from apps. These channels give seniors a better overview of weather patterns, which is important for planning their daily activities. They trust traditional broadcast meteorology more than smartphone weather apps.

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