21 Clues That You Possess a Woke Mindset - Boomer insight

Thomas Robinson

21 Clues That You Possess a Woke Mindset

Being woke is a full-time gig. It’s about standing up for equality and making choices that reflect your values. Have you ever found yourself listening to a powerful song about social change or becoming passionate about a movement that fights for justice? Then you might just be embracing the woke mindset.

You Advocate for Body Positivity

Editorial credit: G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock.

You reject societal beauty standards and celebrate all body shapes and sizes. You know that everyone deserves to feel good about themselves, regardless of their size or appearance.

Intersectionality is More than Just a Saying

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

You’ve moved from saying “I don’t see color” to realizing that people’s experiences can be impacted by factors such as ethnicity, gender, and class. You understand that life isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition and are eager to debate it.

You Actively Fight for Rights

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

You’re the type of person that fights for others who may not have a voice. It’s important to you to advocate for marginalized communities, whether by signing petitions, attending rallies, or simply having conversations to raise awareness. You recognize that everyone deserves to be seen and heard, and you work to make that happen.

You Use Inclusive Language

Editorial Credit: lassedesignen / Shutterstock.

Your words include everyone. You’re all about respecting people’s preferred pronouns and using terms that don’t leave anyone out. It’s not just about being politically correct, it’s about understanding that language can make a big difference in today’s world.

You’re Politically Engaged

Editorial credit: I’m friday / Shutterstock.

You believe in the power of voting and stay informed about political issues, supporting candidates who align with your values. You know that change often starts at the ballot box. Aside from voting, you also volunteer for political campaigns, attend town hall meetings, and participate in grassroots organizing. Canvassing, phone banking, and organizing talks are all ways you help shape a more just and equitable society.

You Use Social Media as a Platform for Activism

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

You share information, raise awareness, and participate in online campaigns. You believe in the power of social media to rally support and create change.

You’re Continuously Learning

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

You actively seek new information and ideas and are eager to unlearn prejudices and misconceptions. You want to expand and develop your understanding of the world.

You’ve Got Pronouns in Your Social Bios

Editorial credit: My July / Shutterstock.

And not just because it’s popular, but because you recognize the value of identity and respect. It also serves as a subtle reminder to those who are aware that you are on the right side of history.

Sustainable Fashion is Your Go-To

Editorial credit: mariakray/Shutterstock.

You wear your thrifted finds as a badge of honor, demonstrating that style does not have to forsake sustainability. Your wardrobe reflects conscious choices, from vintage pieces that have endured the test of time to clothing manufactured from recycled materials.

The Music You Listen to Isn’t Just for Entertainment

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It’s a reflection of your beliefs, struggles, and hopes for a better society. You listen to artists who address social issues and advocate for change, finding inspiration and solidarity in their lyrics and messages.

You Support Fair Trade

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

From coffee to clothing, you make a concerted effort to ensure that your choices are consistent with your ideals of equity and justice. You prefer to buy fair trade products because you understand that doing so helps producers in developing countries earn fair wages and work in safe conditions.

You Practice Ethical Tourism

Editorial credit: potowizard / Shutterstock.

You choose destinations and activities that honor local cultures, benefit local economies, and reduce environmental impact. You are aware of your environmental impact and seek to be a considerate and responsible traveler.

You Appreciate Cultures Without Exploiting Them

Editorial credit: Ruslan Huzau / Shutterstock.

You know the difference between appreciation and appropriation. Without stepping on anyone’s toes, you respect cultural customs and their importance.

You Challenge Societal Norms

Editorial credit: evan_huang / Shutterstock.

You’re not one to just go with the flow if it doesn’t make sense. You’re not afraid to question societal norms and challenge outdated values. You’re pushing for a more inclusive society, and not afraid to ruffle some feathers along the way.

You Have a Diverse Bookshelf

Editorial credit: Pressmaster / Shutterstock.

Your bookshelf is filled with diverse voices, and love reading books by authors from different backgrounds. You enjoy broadening your horizons and understanding the world through different lenses.

You Support Reproductive Rights

Editorial credit: Lyonstock / Shutterstock.

You believe that a person has the right to make decisions about their own body. But supporting reproductive rights entails more than just being pro-choice; it also includes campaigning for equal access to reproductive healthcare and bodily autonomy.

You Stand Firm Against Hate Speech

Editorial credit: David Brickner / Shutterstock.

You’re not afraid to call it out when you see it, whether it’s online or in real life. You understand the power of words and believe in creating a more respectful and inclusive conversation.

You Care About Economic Justice

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli/ Shutterstock.

You are all about addressing economic inequality. You support policies and practices aimed at leveling the playing field, such as fair salaries, affordable housing, and accessible education. You feel that everyone, regardless of their background, deserves the opportunity to thrive.

You Practice Mindful Consumption

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

You’re conscious of your consumption habits, aiming to reduce waste and make environmentally friendly decisions. You help the circular economy by reusing, recycling, and purchasing things that are both sustainable and ethically created.

You Know Your Privilege

Editorial credit: Yuriy K/ Shutterstock.

You recognize the different privileges you may have, whether it’s race, gender, socioeconomic class, or other reasons. You also recognize that acknowledging these privileges is the first step towards using them to help and lift people who are disadvantaged.

You Believe in Climate Activism

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

You actively engage in climate activism, joining movements advocating for immediate action on climate change. You recognize that protecting the environment is critical for future generations and support strategies that cut carbon emissions and boost renewable energy.

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