18 Things You Should Avoid Buying with Cash - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Things You Should Avoid Buying with Cash

We all know that paying for things by card is a lot easier than with cash, but did you know that, sometimes, it’s also a lot safer? There are plenty of things that, for one reason or another, you should never pay for with cash. Let’s look at 18 of these things and why you should stick to other payment methods instead.

Big Expenses

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

The next time you’re in the market for a fancy new TV or a comfy couch, remember that paying by credit is a much better option. If something goes wrong, you can easily dispute the charges with your credit card company. Lots of them also have extended warranties you can get for free, which you simply can’t get from cash.

Travel Bookings

Editorial credit: antoniodiaz / Shutterstock.

If you’re planning a trip, use your credit card to book those plane tickets and hotel rooms. After all, you might get free travel insurance through your credit card company, and it’s also a lot easier to get your money back if your plans fall through. Save the cash for when you actually get there and use it.

Rental Cars

Editorial credit: mohammad farj hammad / Shutterstock.

Most places won’t let you rent a car with cash, so you essentially have no option but to use a card. Even if they do, you’ll have to put down a huge cash deposit, which is just not worth it. Stick to a credit card for better insurance coverage and drive off the lot without any worries.

Gas Station

Editorial credit: Sundry Photography / Shutterstock.

Pulling out cash at a gas station can be a real hassle, and it’s also not exactly safe. After all, somebody could steal your cash, or it could even just get lost. Paying with a credit card is far quicker and easier, and you’ve also got a chance of getting cashback on your fuel purchases. It’s a win, win, win situation.


Editorial credit:GreenOak/ Shutterstock.

It doesn’t matter if you’re grabbing a quick bite or dining out somewhere fancy because using your credit card will make splitting the bill much easier. Save your cash to pay for the tip and nothing else. Plus, if there’s a mix-up with your meal or the service, you can easily dispute the charge.

Emergency Services

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

You never know when an emergency might pop up, like a flat tire or a trip to the ER, and those costs are almost always pretty steep. Having a credit card can be a real lifesaver because it means you’ll have money when you need it most. Trying to find a cash point and dealing with paying with cash is extra stress you just don’t need during those moments.

High-End Fashion

Editorial Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

A credit card transaction gives you proof of purchase and security features you can’t get from cash, so using it for high-end fashion goods is better. After all, buyer’s remorse hits even the best of us, and returns are a lot simpler with a card. Do you really want to be carrying all that cash around?

Home Repairs

Editorial credit: Attasit saentep / Shutterstock.

If you’re hiring someone to fix your roof or update your kitchen, paying with a card will give you extra protection. With cash, once it’s in the contractor’s hands, you’ve lost it forever, but a credit card will allow you to dispute the charges. You can hold onto your money until you’re fully satisfied with the job.


Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Art looks nice, but buying it is an investment, and you should remember that. Paying with a card will help you keep track of your purchases for insurance or just an appraisal, not to mention the added protection against fraud. There’s no easy way to prove your transaction with cash, so you’re better off using a card.


Editorial credit: Daniel Jedzura / Shutterstock.

Unless you’re certain you’re buying it from a legitimate dealer, you never know if you might end up getting a fake piece of jewelry. If that happens to you, you’ll be grateful to have paid by card because it’ll give you proof of claiming a refund or insurance. Paying with cash leaves you vulnerable if something goes wrong.


Editorial credit: Dee Dalasio / Shutterstock.

You need to be careful when buying antiques because you never know what you might end up with. Credit cards will give you a safety net and an easy way to get your money back if the item isn’t exactly as it was described. You won’t have many options to fix that bad deal without a credit card. 

Concert Tickets

Editorial credit: red mango / Shutterstock.

Buying concert tickets with cash is pretty risky, as you’re unlikely to get your money back if the show gets canceled. Paying by card will give you the guarantee that your money’s safe, and you might even get some rewards from the credit card company. It’s safer and could save you money, so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Technology Upgrades

Editorial credit: thinkhubstudio / Shutterstock.

Technology moves fast, and how you pay for it should do too. Buying your next gadget with a credit card usually gives you extra warranty and sometimes even theft protection, which is a deal that cash can’t match. You also won’t have to deal with the hassle of carrying a stack of bills just to buy the latest smartphone.

Educational Expenses

Editorial credit: Cherries / Shutterstock.

Credit payments make a lot of sense when dealing with college tuition or online courses. It’ll give you a paper trail for taxes or even to claim money back from your employer, and many colleges charge extra for cash transactions. It’ll save you from carrying large amounts of cash to and from campus.

Health Club Memberships

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Most gyms need a card on file for monthly dues, so it’s much more convenient to avoid cash from the get-go. Paying by card will prevent you from falling behind, especially since your payments will be automated, and you’ll be able to stay in shape with less stress. But we can’t guarantee that paying with a card will make working out any easier.

Veterinary Care

Editorial credit: Tatyana Vyc/ Shutterstock.

Unexpected pet emergencies or even routine pet check-ups can cost a lot, meaning you’re better off using a credit card. This way, it won’t be an immediate hit to your bank balance because paying with cash can leave you a little short. After all, you never know if your furry friend needs more care than you expected.

Legal Services

Editorial credit: boonchoke / Shutterstock.

Legal battles are seriously expensive, and there’s not really any point in paying with cash.  When you use a card, it’ll be a lot easier for you to keep tabs on what you’re spending so you’ve got a more detailed record of your transactions. It makes managing your finances far easier, which is always a benefit with legal issues because those costs can spiral quite a bit.

Charity Donations

Editorial credit: Lemon Tree Images / Shutterstock.

It’s always good to give to charity, but not necessarily when you do it with cash. Paying with a card means you can track your donations for your taxes, and many organizations will also have incentives for any donations you make via credit card. You get to benefit, and so does the charity. What more could you want?

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