Despite Their Faults, These 18 Products Keep Flying Off the Shelves - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

Despite Their Faults, These 18 Products Keep Flying Off the Shelves

We all get drawn in by products promising to make life a little easier or more fun. But sometimes, what we buy doesn’t exactly match the hype. Here are 18 popular items that never work as they should, but we can’t resist giving them another shot.

Battery Blues

Editorial credit: megaflopp / Shutterstock.

Whenever you buy a new piece of tech, you’ll probably notice that its battery life never matches the bold claims on the box. You end up charging more often than you’d like, but hope springs eternal, right? We keep upgrading, thinking that this next one will improve. Sadly, it very rarely is.

Diet Soda

Editorial credit: New Africa/ Shutterstock.

If you’re trying to avoid calories, diet sodas seem the way to go, but are they helping us slim down? There’s no scientific evidence to show they’re actually good for us, although that doesn’t stop many people from cracking open a can. Whether it’s the taste or just habit, these fizzy drinks are a permanent part of our shopping carts.

Pricey Printers

Editorial credit: junpiiiiiiiiiii/ Shutterstock.

Printer ink is ridiculously expensive, and it seems like you’re always out whenever you need it the most. We complain about it, yet we keep buying the same brands because none of us have the time to experiment. We hate having to keep buying it, but we don’t have a choice.

Fast Fashion

Editorial credit: fiphoto / Shutterstock.

Those trendy pieces from the fast fashion racks are hard to resist, especially when the prices seem too good to be true. And sometimes they are because they’ll fall apart after just a few washes. Even so, the excitement of getting something new for a bargain is way too tempting to ignore.

Miracle Cleaners

Editorial credit: Freedomz / Shutterstock.

Every so often, a new cleaning spray comes onto the market that promises to wipe away all the grime with just a single swoosh. Unfortunately, reality usually involves a lot more scrubbing, but that doesn’t stop us from hoping that maybe, just maybe, this one will actually clean. Can you blame us for wanting a quick fix?

Screened Out

Editorial credit: Jan Faukner/ Shutterstock.

Even the most advanced smartphones have screens that crack or scratch far too easily. Every time we buy a new one, we think it’ll be different, but it rarely is. The cycle continues each time because nobody wants to carry around a phone that looks like a spider web with all those cracks.

Not Tracking It

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov/ Shutterstock.

Fitness trackers are meant to make staying in shape much easier, but they’re too optimistic about how much you’ve actually burned off. We keep putting them on because we love seeing those big numbers after a workout. Even if they’re not perfectly accurate, they make us feel better; sometimes, that’s more than enough.

Herbal Problems

Editorial credit: Kerdkanno / Shutterstock.

They might be hit-or-miss, but herbal supplements have a pretty faithful following. This could be because the appeal of “natural” solutions makes us hopeful. There isn’t a lot of scientific evidence to show that they actually work, but even now, herbal remedies have a timeless comfort about them that we can’t escape.

Age Old Promises

Editorial credit: Me dia / Shutterstock.

We all want to believe in the fountain of youth that comes in a jar, which is probably why they’re still so popular. These creams usually give us subtle changes at best, but the dream of having visibly younger skin keeps us coming back for more. We always wish the next one will be the miracle we’ve sought.

Cable Clutter

Editorial credit: maramade / Shutterstock.

Cable TV seems so outdated now because of all those unused channels, although the convenience of having all those options keeps lots of people from cutting the cord. After all, it’s a lot easier to stick with things you’re familiar with. We might not watch half our channels, but we sure like having the choice.

Streaming Services

Editorial credit: / Shutterstock.

Similarly, the appeal of endless entertainment makes us subscribe to streaming services. But often, we just scroll through the options without actually deciding. There’s always the possibility of stumbling upon something we can’t stop watching, which keeps us hooked on streaming subscriptions.

Dreams of Detoxing

Editorial credit: Tatjana Baiba / Shutterstock.

Lots of detox teas promise amazing health benefits, like weight loss and detoxification, among other things. Unfortunately, the results are iffy at best, yet the promise alone is enough to keep us drinking. They may not be as good as they pretend to be, but there’s something so calming about sitting down with a cup of tea, even if it’s not a magic potion.

Pet Toys

Editorial credit: Masarik / Shutterstock.

If you’ve got a pet, you’ll know that even the strongest pet toys barely survive past the first few days. Yet we keep buying more as we don’t want our pets to feel bored. It’s hard to say “no” to a wagging tail or a purring furball, but it does mean more toys are doomed to be destroyed.

Assembly and Patience Required

Editorial credit: Kwangmoozaa / Shutterstock.

When you’re in the store, those shelves look simple, but anyone who’s bought flat-packed furniture will know it’s rarely that easy. Maybe it’s the idea of building something yourself or the low price that keeps us returning. Either way, that pride when it all eventually comes together is priceless.

Educational Toys

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Some educational toys promise constant fun and lessons for our kids, although they don’t always capture their imaginations in the ways that we’d hope. We don’t give up, though. We keep looking for that magic toy to help them have fun and learn something new, making them interested for more than just a moment.

All-Weather Gear

Editorial credit: PeopleImages. com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Anyone who loves the great outdoors knows the struggle of finding stuff that actually stands up to the elements for more than just a few hours. Lots of them claim they’ll keep us dry and comfortable in any weather, even though it’s not necessarily true. We keep buying them, hoping the next one will withstand whatever Mother Nature throws at us.


Editorial credit: baibaz/ Shutterstock.

Usually, going for something gluten-free means sacrificing flavor for the sake of our health. They might not taste as good as the “real” thing, but wanting to feel better and stay healthy is why they’re still so popular. Even so, there’s no evidence that it’s any better for us.

Plastic Containers

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

How many times have we bought a “leak-proof” container, only to find that our bags are drenched by lunchtime? But we continue buying them, even though we know they’re probably going to disappoint us. We’re hoping that one day, we’ll have a lunch bag that’s actually perfectly tidy.

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