18 Reasons Ex-Christians Abandoned Their Faith - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Ex-Christians Abandoned Their Faith

Many people who used to attend church every Sunday are now spending their mornings elsewhere, and it’s not necessarily for the reasons you might think. They’ve got their own reasons for stepping back from their religious roots. Let’s take a look at 18 of them.

Changing Values

Editorial credit: Nastyaofly / Shutterstock.

What mattered to you ten years ago might not matter so much anymore, and that includes your religious views. As they go through life and meet new people or experience new things, their old beliefs may not fit anymore. It’s not that they completely disagree with what they thought before. It just doesn’t work as well anymore.

Science Makes Sense

Editorial credit: Billion Photos/ Shutterstock.

Science makes sense to a lot of people, especially when they start exploring facts and theories about how the world works. Soon enough, those old biblical stories sound like fairy tales, and scientific explanations just seem to stick better. Can you blame them? It’s hard to stick to your faith when you’re thinking about things like evolution and the age of the Earth.

World Travel

Editorial credit: potowizard / Shutterstock.

Traveling can really change a person, and when you meet people from all over, you’re exposed to different beliefs. This can make you rethink your own. Some ex-Christians claim that seeing so many different ways of life has made them realize that there’s a lot to learn from everyone, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t work.

Bad Vibes

Editorial credit: Shaun Menary/lightstock.

In some cases, people just don’t get along with their church community, which could be because they had a bad experience or maybe just felt judged by them. When the church makes you feel drained, it’s no wonder some people decide to take a step back and find their community spirit elsewhere. They’d rather be somewhere that feels uplifting.

Real Social Issues

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Nowadays, many churches have strong opinions on issues like who can love or what rights people deserve. For some people, their personal beliefs and equality just don’t line up with what priests or pastors preach from the pulpit. These people question whether they’re in the right place and decide to go somewhere that’s a little more accepting.

The Internet

Editorial credit: JMiks/ Shutterstock.

Having access to the Internet means having the world’s resources at your fingertips. As many answers as it gives, the Internet also leaves some young people with plenty of questions. Christianity isn’t always able to answer these, and some people turn away from it because it doesn’t satisfy their curiosity anymore.

Love Knows No Boundaries

Editorial credit: Eugenio Marongiu / Shutterstock.

Falling in love can completely change your religious views, especially if your loved one comes from a different spiritual background. After all, sharing your life with them means sharing your beliefs and, sometimes, exploring new approaches to spirituality together. This can lead to you abandoning your traditional religious views.

Looking for Genuineness

Editorial credit: Black Kings / Shutterstock.

Some people choose to leave Christianity because they want to be true to themselves. They want to live a life that feels truly them, where they can be what they believe and feel. They might have never truly fit in on Sunday mornings, and they’ve finally decided to be honest with themselves and those around them.

Philosophy and Sci-Fi

Editorial credit:Anton Dios / Shutterstock.

Reading philosophy books or binge-watching sci-fi can change people’s belief systems. These genres ask the big “what if” and “why” questions, which make people think about the mysteries of the universe. And in most cases, they can’t get these answers from the church’s hymns, so they’ll look elsewhere.

Community Connections

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It’s no secret that churches across the country are declining in popularity, and that means that the glue that’s holding some people to their faith is getting weaker. Without these connections, some people don’t feel the need to stick around anymore. This sense of family was a big part of why they joined, and losing that means the motivation to go to church goes, too.

Psychological Explanations

Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

Psychology explains more about why we think and behave the way we do, and some people think it’s a better answer than “it’s God’s will.” Understanding how we work on a scientific level can be more satisfying for people who want concrete answers. They’d rather put their trust in psychologists and psychiatrists than in actual faith.

Material World Views

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/ Shutterstock.

Materialism is a worldview that’s not about buying stuff but instead about believing only in what you can see and touch. People who support this idea no longer believe in the spiritual and supernatural parts of religion. They trust actual evidence and things they can see instead of those that they blindly believe.

Historical Facts and Finds

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The more we learn about history, the more questions people have about the stories in religious texts. Anyone who cares about historical accuracy might start doubting their religion because of the discrepancies in the details. Historians agree that Jesus was real, but the miracles and things he performed? The jury’s out on that one.

Big Life Changes

Editorial credit: Stock-Asso/ Shutterstock.

New life milestones, like moving to a new city or starting a new job, also change your routines, and that includes your church-going habits. Once you’ve broken that habit, it’s hard to get back into the swing of things, especially if your new life doesn’t match up with your old routines. Sometimes, this means that people ditch their faith altogether.

Looking for Signs

Editorial credit: Kristina Kuptsevich / Shutterstock.

Some people step back from Christianity because the signs they are looking for don’t appear. They want proof of the miracles from the stories they’ve heard since childhood, and when they don’t appear, their faith in those stories disappears. After all, divine intervention is a pretty big part of Christianity.

More Independence

Editorial credit: Art Stocker / Shutterstock.

Many of us care quite a bit about our personal freedom and being able to make our own choices. For some people, the structured rules of religion are too much, and they want to be independent without the boxes that organized religion puts them in. These people will leave behind the communities that don’t fit with their beliefs anymore.

Too Much Choice

Editorial credit: 9dream studio / Shutterstock.

You’ve got options for just about everything, including spirituality, and some people find the sheer number a little overwhelming. Instead of picking one, they’d rather avoid picking any at all. After all, it’s a lot easier to explore your spirituality when you’re doing it at your own pace, without having to stick to one faith. 

Internal Corruption

Editorial credit: Damion Hamilton /lightstock.

Institutional corruption is never a good thing, and sadly, it has recently become a bigger issue in the church. When people see leaders who don’t practice what they preach, attending and supporting religion doesn’t look so good anymore. This frustration is enough to make people look elsewhere.

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