18 Habits You Should Break by the Time You’re 60 - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Habits You Should Break by the Time You’re 60

As we get older, there are some things we do that we might need to rethink if we want to keep living our best lives. It doesn’t mean we have to stop having fun; it’s better for our health and happiness if we avoid certain things. Here are 18 things you should probably stop doing when you turn 60 and why.

Ignoring Technology

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Technology isn’t just for young people; when you get older, you can’t give it up. Getting to grips with smartphones and tablets can help you stay connected with your loved ones. Even if you want to have some alone time, technology can help you with your day-to-day life, like reminding you to take your meds or helping you track your steps.

Holding on to Clutter

Editorial credit: trekandshoot / Shutterstock.

We all hang on to stuff we don’t need, like souvenirs from a trip or bills from two decades ago. But as you get older, clearing out that clutter can help you feel happier and make your home a safer place to move around. Letting go of the things that don’t have a purpose can actually be quite freeing.

Avoiding New Hobbies

Editorial credit: Jelena Stanojkovic / Shutterstock.

If you’ve ever dreamt about painting or gardening, now’s the time to do it. Picking up new hobbies helps your brain stay sharp, making each day far more interesting. You could even make new friends with the same interests as you, so it’s never too late to discover a new passion.

Forgetting to Plan Your Finances

Editorial credit: Bacho / Shutterstock.

Even if your retirement is going well, you must monitor your finances because you never know when your funds might run out. This means you’ve got to adjust your budget or maybe even speak with a financial advisor to get things sorted. Staying proactive will help you avoid all sorts of financial issues.

Not Planning Your Estate

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Likewise, nobody likes to talk about it, but setting up your estate is more important than ever when you’re 60. Helping your loved ones know what you want for the future by writing a will can help everyone avoid many problems later on. Plus, it’ll give you some peace of mind because you’ll know your loved ones understand your wishes.

Wearing Outdated Glasses

Editorial credit: pathdoc/ Shutterstock.

If you can’t remember the last time you had your eyes checked, it might be time for an update. Our vision changes as we age, and squinting through old glasses isn’t doing you any favors. Keep your glasses up-to-date to ensure you’re not missing any beautiful sights around you or misreading the fine print.

Ignoring Your Eyes

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Similarly, eye strain becomes a big problem when you’re older, which can cause headaches and make your vision decline faster. It doesn’t matter what you’re reading; just ensure you have proper lighting and the right tools to protect your vision. After all, squinting doesn’t look good on anyone, regardless of age.

Overmedicating Yourself

Editorial credit: Alexander Raths / Shutterstock.

It’s normal to start taking more medicine when you get older, but you need to keep track of what you’re taking. Have regular conversations with your doctor to ensure you’re only taking exactly what you need to avoid any side effects. Sometimes, less truly is more.

Not Drinking Enough Water

Editorial credit: Alter-ego / Shutterstock.

No matter how old you are, it’s always important to drink water, but it can get easier to forget that when you’re older. Water helps with all kinds of things like digestion, joint health, and brain function. You should make it a habit to keep sipping throughout the day, even if you’re not feeling thirsty.

Staying Somewhere Unsafe

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

Just because your home was right for you back then doesn’t mean it’s right now. For example, stairs might be more of a challenge when you’re 60, and high shelves could become impossible to reach. You might want to change your home or even move somewhere a little more low-key so your day-to-day life is safer.

Driving When It’s Not Safe

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

It’s hard to admit that driving isn’t safe for you anymore, but it’s a conversation you must have. Of course, if your reflexes and eyesight are still good, there’s no reason to give up, although you may want to consider alternatives. There are so many ways of getting around, like public transport or community shuttle services, that’ll help you stay independent without compromising your safety.

Same Haircut, Same Makeup

Editorial credit: MikhalchukStudio / Shutterstock.

Don’t stick to the same haircut and makeup, as updating your look can make you feel way more confident. This can help you feel and look great in a way you might never have thought about before. Take a trip to your local salon to see what new styles could work for you, as you never know what you might find.

Having Too Much Salt

Editorial credit: Olya Detry / Shutterstock.

Your kidneys don’t work as well when you get older, and eating too much salt can cause all manner of problems like high blood pressure and heart issues. You should avoid adding extra salt to your meals and also watch out for high-sodium foods like soups and canned goods. There are much better and healthier alternatives to use.

Staying Stressed

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Stress hits us at every point of our lives, but it can feel a lot harder when you get older and cause far more issues for your health. Find ways to manage it by meditating or even just talking about it so you can let go of your worries. This way, you’ll feel a lot better each day and avoid any of those stress-related health problems.

Skipping Moisturizer

Editorial credit: White bear studio / Shutterstock.

Once you turn 60, you’ll probably notice that your skin dries out much faster and isn’t as stretchy as it used to be. You should apply moisturizer every day to avoid any wrinkles from appearing and to keep your skin smoother and less itchy. It will make you feel better, and you might even look a little younger.

Neglecting Your Routine

Editorial credit: Ground Picture /Shutterstock.

Even though you might not work as much anymore, that doesn’t mean you should give up your routine. Sticking to a schedule can help you manage your time better and feel more confident about the days ahead. You don’t have to make your days boring; just give them a little more of a structure.

Eating the Same Food

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Your body needs different nutrients to stay healthy when you’re older, so that means you might need to change your diet. Are you getting enough calcium for your bones? What about fiber to help your digestion? Speaking to a nutritionist can help ensure your diet fits the changes in your body so you stay feeling great.

Avoiding Senior Discounts

Editorial credit: kudla/ Shutterstock.

Everyone loves a good deal, and being older means there is more for you to take advantage of, like cheaper movie tickets or discounted travel. If there’s a senior discount available, don’t hold back; just use it. There’s no shame in it; these savings will add up before you know it, so you can enjoy more of what life offers without stretching your budget.

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